How to Build Vehicles in Roblox Studio

by heamou8801 in Living > Video Games

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How to Build Vehicles in Roblox Studio

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if you just started roblox, you'll have some trouble building your first vehicles. but if you follow these easy instructions, you can build one in record-breaking speed(probably.)!

(note. there's a lot of other ways to build vehicles in roblox, but i figured this is the simplest way.)


just your pc(with roblox studio, of corse!)and you're ready to go!

How to Build a Boat(1)

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building a boat is really simple. first, make a model of a simple boat. make sure you have space for a seat for the pilot.

(anchored or unanchored, it will work just fine!)

How to Build a Boat(2)

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now, let's find a seat for the captain. pull your toolbox out and take out the "Seat Drive To Boat And Ferry I recommend" by omen2011(ID: 5016056500). place it on the ship, and group them together.

(note. the green dot on the seat will be the front of the ship.)

How to Build a Boat(3)

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finally, we need to weld the ship. using the qPerfectionWeld script by Quenty(type "weld" on toolbox.). insert the script inside the boat, and we're all done! this method is very useful, since it also works on ground and air, so i also use it on blimps, planes, and sometimes cars too.

How to Build a Car(1)

now, building a car is not so simple, but this might be the simplest way possible. first, let's add the " Building Tools by F3X" plugin from toolbox. next, make the model of a car body(without the wheel.). make sure it's unanchored, and it's away from the ground.

How to Build a Car(2)

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let's add the wheels now. make a cylinder part and shape it like a wheel. place it a few studs away from the car body(while touching the gorund). duplicate it 4 times and place it like the first one. by using the plugin, make a hinge at the wheels, pointing towards the car.

How to Build a Car(4)

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now let's add the driver's seat. make a vehicleseat on workspace, and place it on the car body. rotate it so it faces the front, and make an inlet at the back using the plugin(the inlet must be pointing the back.).

How to Build a Car(5)

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finally, place the wheels at the body all the way. and using the plugin, weld the seat to the car body. your car is now finished! you can adjust the torque, turnspeed, and maxspeed at the vehicleseat. if you followed the steps correctly, the car will work. if it does not, check the whole step and see what is wrong. if there's nothing wrong, the car's torque is too small.


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now you know how to build a bunch of crazy vehicles! well done!