How to Brush Your Doggy

by ryannr11 in Living > Pets

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How to Brush Your Doggy


I very much enjoy brushing my doggy, Sparky., So I am making instructions on how to brush your doggy so you and your doggy can enjoy it as much as I do. Brushing your doggy helps health, looks, and keeps the matt away so brushing he/her is very important in their life. Some day your doggy will be really matty and will not look so well as he/she usually looks. So here is your time to shine and come on here and learn how to keep your doggy nice and healthy. Hopefully, these instructions and pictures will help you learn how to brush your doggy the right way. Happy brushing. :)


  1. A doggy
  2. Doggy brush
  3. Treats Warm hands Garbage can (incase any fur comes out)

How to Get Your Doggy


First, you will want to get your dogs attention so this will be the time to get the treats out!!! Shake the bag of treats and call your doggy’s name. Your doggy should be bolting towards you at full speed, reward them with treats and pets for being a good doggy for listening to you!

How to Comfort Your Doggy


After you treat them with treats and pets, place them in an enjoyable spot on the ground that they will be comfortable on. Comfort them with some more pets and maybe even another treat until they get comfy. Lay them down and slowly push on their side so you are visible of their big fluffy belly. Start scratching and rubbing their belly. Stroke your hand from their neck down to their tail. Hopefully, it's time to start brushing their belly.

How to Start Brushing Your Doggy


Now that he/she is all comfy on their side, you may pick up your doggy brush and start GENTLY brushing their belly. Try to mostly do the stroke of the way your doggy’s fur goes. Like for example- if your doggy fur strokes down then you would make a very long gentle stroke from their neck area to their tail.

How to Brush Your Doggy's Face/head


After you're done brushing your doggy's belly, you will now want to brush their head/face without hurting them. With your brush in your hand, use your other hand and hold up their head by putting your hand under their chin and facing it the way you want. Slowly brush their head ( the part over their eyes) until their fur is nice and fluffy. Now, you will want to do your doggy's ears. Let go of his chin and start holding his ears if you pull a little it won't hurt your doggy. Do that to both ears.

How to Brush Your Doggy's Back/spine Area


Finally when you're done brushing your doggy's ears/face/and chest area here is the time to brush his/her spine area. So first you will want to make your doggy sit facing away from you, but don't force them, tell them to sit and if needed, get the treats out. When your doggy sits you will want to pick up the doggy brush and start stroking their back with the brush, from the top of the head all the way down to their tail. If you need/want to you can also brush their tail, just keep your doggy sitting facing away from you, hold the tail while brushing so it doesn't hurt them.

What to Do When Your Done Brushing Your Doggy

Now that you're done, there are still a few things to do. First, give them a treat for being a good doggy the entire time:))). Next, if there is any fur/hair in the brush, pull it out and dispose it into your trash can. Put all the objects/things that you got out- your doggy brush, garbage can, and treats. After cleaning up……….admire the amazing job you did on brushing your doggy!!!



Hopefully, you enjoyed reading this and also learned some new skills about brushing your doggy. If you have anything to say/add you are free to comment. I will open up to all ideas from you guys. If this instructable helped then why not leave a like or maybe even a follow. If you are somewhat struggling to brush your doggy you can always just ask help from a parent, friend, or family member. Thanks for listening!!!