How to Beat Europa Universalis 4 for Beginners

by EricKrzy in Craft > Art

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How to Beat Europa Universalis 4 for Beginners



Europa Universalis 4 is a grand strategy game made for PC. Like other grand strategy games, it is filled with complex features that can be intimating to new players. Don't fear! These instructions will help you better understand the basic mechanics as well as provide a simple step-by-step guide to win as any nation in Eu4.

System Requirements

IMPORTANT: playing on lower specs can render the game to be unplayable depending on how old your system is. Read this page before you proceed.

Checking your PC specifications

Europa Universalis 4 can be hard to run on certain PC, especially older PCs. Thus, it is important to check if your system is capable running the game before you purchase and/or download. To view you systems specs, do the following:

For Windows:

On the bottom left part of your screen you should see a windows logo. On it's left there should be a search tab. Click on the search tab and type "system information".

For Macs:

Click on the Apple menu. Then select "About this Mac".

System Specifications


OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit

Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-2105 / AMD® FX 4300

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5850

Storage: 6 GB


OS: Windows 10 Home 64 bit

Processor: Intel® Core i3 3240 / AMD® FX 8120

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti

Storage: 6 GB

Source: Steam

So, is My PC Able to Run Eu4?

The general, a good rule of thumb is you can play most games (on low graphical settings) if you have purchased a PC 3-4 years after the game was released. Since Europa Universalis was released in 2013, most PC's made in 2016/17 should be able to run the game on the lowest graphical settings. The exception to this rule would if the 3-4 year newer PC is a Chromebook or if the newer PC fails to meet the minimum spec requirements as listed above. If you are still unsure whether your PC can check out the paradox forums here:

If your system fails to meet the requirements above, you may need to upgrade your PC's hardware or purchase a newer PC.


Basic Mechanics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

Starting Started ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Economy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Trade -- Sending Merchants ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Trade -- Using Merchant Ships --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Construction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Technology Research --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Military -- Building an Army -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Military -- Creating a War Goal and Going to War --------------------------------------------- 9

Military -- Fighting a War ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Basic Mechanics



Before you begin playing Europa Universalis 4, it is best to familiarize yourself with the basic features. There are 4 areas of focus as highlighted in the image above.

Main Control System -- Highlighted in Red in the Image Above

This is the most important interface you will be using for the majority of your game. It can be activated by clicking on your nations flag which can be seen in the top left of your screen. Once selected, you are able to see the control system in full view. It is divided into 10 sections as seen above. Each section is dedicated to a specific area of focus such as economy, diplomacy, military and so on. We will be going into greater detail as to what each section can do in the next few steps.

Clock/Date/Time Speed -- Highlighted in Green in the Image Above

This is where you are able to interact with game time. To start the game, click the pause button. This will run game time. The game runs in days. You can also adjust how fast/slow you want the time to run by moving the plus/minus buttons. And finally, you can reference the exact day, month, and year you are currently in.

Information Bar -- Highlighted in Pink in the Image Above

This provides you with information related to your nation. This includes manpower, money, technology points and so on. These aspects will be discussed in greater detail as you move through this instruction guide.

Overlays -- Highlighted in Blue in the Image Above

This gives you option to see different layers of the map. For example, you have the option to view terrain, trade, religion, culture and so on. This can be useful when you want more information about something on the map that is not related to politics.


Technology Points

Every month you gain a base value of 3 technology points for economic, diplomatic, and military functions.


Every nation is given 2 diplomats and 2 merchants at the start of the game. These figures will be dicussed in later sections.


Every month, a player gains income from all the providences minus military upkeep.


Your nation's well being is reflected in its prestige. Having a high prestige can benefit you greatly.

Getting Started



Like in every game, there are basic steps that need to be taken at the start of your game. Eu4 is no different. Note that you will need to perform these basic first steps each time you start a new game of Eu4 if you want a successful game.

Modifying Estate privileges

In Eu4, each nation has three estates: the clergy, nobility, and burgesses. These estates are factions within your nation that hold some degree of power and can effect your game depending on the decisions you make. It is, therefore, necessary that you appease these factions with privileges at the start of each new game to max out the benefits you gain from their cooperation.

Step 1: Click on your nation's flag to access the main.

Step 2:Then on the far right most tab click on the estates section as shown above. It icon contains a cross, a fist, and gold coins.

Step 3: click on the clergy estate by click on the box under the word "Clergy". After clicking it you should be able to view all the privileges that you can grant as shown in second picture on your right.

Step 4 Select any 3 privileges you see fit. Each privileges gives 1 modifier. Clergy privileges modifies your economy, nobility modify military, and burgesses modify trade.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for the nobility and burgesses.


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The most important aspect of Eu4 is your nation's economy. Without it, you are unable to build armies and conquer other nations, develop technology and much more. To put simply, without a strong economy, you are doomed to fail. Below are 3 main ways you should build a sizable economy in the early game.


You can develop you providences using diplomatic and/or economic points that you generate each month. For more information on diplomatic and economic points, go to the Basic Mechanics on page 1.

How to develop a providence:

Step 1: Click on a providence you own.

Step 2: On the top, right below the name of the providence, are 3 boxes you can click to develop your providence by using your technology points. Click on either the economic box or the diplomatic box as shown in the image above -- highlighted in green. Developing using economic points increases your income while developing using diplomatic points increases trade power. Trade power will be discusses next.

NOTE: you can also develop using your military technology points, however, this will not benefit your economy whatsoever.

Tip 1: You should always develop your capitol first since it usually generates the greatest amount of wealth to begin with.

Tip 2: Don't overdevelop your providences. Each time you develop your providence the cost increments by about 10 points. You should instead develop the providence no more than 6 times as a general rule to follow otherwise, it will cease to be beneficial.

Trade -- Sending Merchants



Trade is very important aspect of your economy that if done well, can yield very favorable results. There are 2 ways to increase your overall trade power that will be discussed in the on this page and the next.

How to Send Merchants

Step 1: Go to map Overlays. If you are not sure where map Overlays are, refer back to Basic Mechanics section on page.

Step 2: Click the trade icon -- the box with an image of crates/goods.

Step 3: On your game map you will see all the directions trade is flowing. Look for where trade node begins as indicated by a rectangle interface as shown in the image above. Click on the rectangle.

Step 4: Click on "Collect Trade"

Trade -- Using Merchant Ships



Trade ships increases your overall trade income. The more ships you are sending on a trade mission, the higher your trade income will be.

How to Send Merchant Ships:

Step 1: select a fleet you own

Step 2: double click on a merchant ship to select all your merchant ships

Step 3: On the bottom right click on mission to protect trade route as shown in the image above.



Construction is a great way to increase your nation's income. Although you can construct a variety of different buildings, will will be focusing on buildings related to economic growth/trade.

How to construct Buildings:

Step 1: Select a providence you own.

Step 2: You should see an icon that holds a picture of a house on the far right and center of the providence interface -- Highlighted in blue in the image above

Step 3: Select on one of the empty building slots to access the buildings you can build.

Step 4: Select a building of your choice

Tip: In the early game, the best economic building you should build would be churches as it provides a good boost in income.

Technology Research


What is Research?

Each nation has the option to develop and improve their own technology. They can do so by spending economic, diplomatic, and military technology to develop technology related to economic, diplomatic, military advancement. For more information on technology points, visit the Basic Mechanics section on page 1.

Where do I go from here?

After developing your economy, you should now have enough capital to support your nations research. To do so, you must increase the amount of technology points you generate each month by hiring advisors.

How to Hire Advisors:

Step 1: Access the main interface. If you are unsure how to do so, please refer back to the Basic Mechanics section on page.

Step 2: Click on the first section to get the advisor page as shown in the image above.

Step 3: Click on the economic advisor box

Step 4: Select any one of the advisors you see fit. Each advisor generates 1/2/3 economic technology point(s) ,depending on the level of the advisor, each month. And can provide 1 additional modifier to your overall economy. -- CAUTION -- You should select advisors you can afford. Note that an advisor that generates 2 economic points rather than 1 will cost 4 times more. Same applies for a level 3.

Step 5: Repeat for diplomatic and military advisor.

Researching Technology

To access, click on the technology section in the main interface.

Every 10 years, you are able to research all 3 technology areas (economic, diplomatic, military). When time comes, simply click on each box once.

Note: you are able to research technology much earlier but the cost of doing so will be much higher. Likewise, if you are behind, it will be slightly cheaper to research technology if you are behind.

Tip: Researching newer military technology ahead of time can give you a great advantage when it comes to winning wars. See the War section for more information about war.

Military -- Building an Army



Without an army, your nation will simply not survive. A military is not only great for defense, but it is the key any successful game of Europa Universalis 4. Military conquest will allow your nation to expand, gain money, and dominate the world and thus beating the game.

How to build an army?

There are 2 ways of gaining troops in Eu4. You can recruit or use mercenary companies. The latter is much more expensive and thus should be avoided at all cost. Your army should therefore be a good combination of infantry and cavalry. In each army group, you should have 2 cavalry units and 18 infantry units. This is because combat is limited to 20 units on each side.

How to recruit units

Step 1: Select a providence you own

Step 2: Click on the solider as shown in the image above.

Step 3: Select the unit you would like to recruit.

Note: You can only train one unit at a time. Training time is varies by unit. Calvary units take 2 months to complete whereas infantry take only 1 month.

Military -- Creating a War Goal and Going to War


In order to go to war with a nation, you must generate a war goal or Casus Beli. There are a wide variety of war goals that nations can use. Were going to be focusing on the simplest one. The most generic war goal that any nation can use is the "Conquest" Casus Beli.

How to create a war goal -- ONLY FOR NATIONS YOU BORDER WITH.

Step 1: On the main campaign map, right click on the nation you wish to go to war with. This will open up the diplomacy tab on the main interface.

Step 2: Scroll down until you find "Convert Actions", Click on it.

Step 3: Under "Convert Actions", you will find the option "Build a Spy Network", Click on it.

Step 4: Wait about 20-30 months until you have a spy network of 20. This will give you the option to fabricate a claim on a neighboring providence.

Step 5: Click "Fabricate Claim".

Going to War

To go to war you must formally declare war on a nation once you have justification. Simply right click on the nation you have a war goal and select the option "Declare War".

Military -- Fighting a War

Winning a War

Wars are won if one side has a higher war score than the other nation. The main way war score is attained is by capturing forts. Your goal, to put simply, should be to have an army strong enough to capture the enemy's forts while defending your own.

Work Cited

“Europa Universalis IV.” Europa Universalis IV on Steam,