How to Add a Temperature Display to a Voron 0.1 3D Printer

by Maker-Mike in Workshop > 3D Printing

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How to Add a Temperature Display to a Voron 0.1 3D Printer

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How to add a temperature display to the Voron 0.1 3D printer

If you're printing ABS it helps to know the temperature inside your enclosure so you're sure its 'heat soaked' enough and your print isn't going to peel off the bed.

This build adds a digital thermometer to your printer. I bought the thermometer from Aliexpress for a few dollars.

Full instructions are on YouTube....


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Add the Sensor

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Feed the sensor from underneath the floor alongside the left Z axis linear rail.

The holder should only grip part of the sensor and leave most of it exposed.

Attach the holder to the side of the Makerbeam with the M3 bolt and nut.

Slide the sensor down the Makerbeam until its level with the hotend's nozzle.

Add the Digital Display


Replace the front right skirt with the newly printed one and feed the display through the hole.

Pick with angled mount you plan to use, I used the 40 degree mount but it depends on where you sit your printer. Choose the angle that best displays the temperature.

Feed the display through the angled mount and clip the mount onto the skirt.

Then slot the display into the mount.

Tidy Wiring

Last step is tidy the excess sensor wire under the printer and away you go.