How to Mod My Piece Pusher

by pwubax 18 in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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How to Mod My Piece Pusher

photo-2013-07-27 11:38 AM.jpg
If you looked at my piece pusher I mentioned a scope so in this how to i will be modding my second piece pusher I will be doing a before and after photo let's get started

Mod 1

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So I'm adding mods what first a handle a scope Dunno how about 2 barrels

Mod 1 Done

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Double barrels finished to add replace top yellow connector with a blue purple and clip on For the barrels clip a red connector right above the first white then attach it to a red then repeat on the other side

Mod 2

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A scope dunno how I'll make it but it should be fine

Mod 2 Done

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Just simple iron sights for now you can add a different sight if you wanted to

Mod 3

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A handle nothing to fancy just simple

Mod 3 Done

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K.i.s.s keep it stupidly simple


photo-2013-07-27 11:38 AM.jpg
Well that was it now you can have a modified piece pusher now I leave both my piece pushers and the arcamada and say......

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