How to Tie a Rope Bridle

Rope bridles are easy to use, and very efficient . Sometimes, they can get tricky. Here's how to properly tie a rope bridle.
Get Your Horse.

To attach the bridle, carry it into your horse's stall.

Here i am using a string model but you'll get the point. First off, the loop will be on the bottom and a long peice will be on top. I am sorry i have to use a model horse as well, my horse would not stand still. Ignore the regular bridle sewn onto the horse.
String It Through

Push the long string that is at your horse's poll through the circle. Make sure to pull untill it fits your horse correctly.
Make a "b"

Pull the long peice to the righr and then place it behind itself to make a lower case "b"
Push String Through

Push the long peice through the "b" center.

Pull and your done! The knot should look like this. Remember the long string should always point away from the horses face.