How to Survive in Woodsball
This is some basic pointers, tips, and tricks to surviving i woodsball game.
Know Your Limits
There is nothing more important than knowing your limits. Do not rush things and don't go to fast, this is a very important balance but yet very tricky to master. If you get a feeling that the thing you must do isn't right, dont stop or DON'T run into a firefight screaming and shooting like a maniac!
Know Your Equipment's Limits
This also has a place. Dont try to shoot someone with a small paintball pistol 2 miles down range and if you have a death wish, shoot people with a sniper from 20 inches... They wil be very unhappy
Know What Your Up Against
Again, dont run madly around corners.....
Basic Equipment
Lets face it. You can't yell your plans across the field. In The pics are some examples:
Tactics work, so use it