How to Make Single Triple Rainbow Loom Bracelet

by connorjibbs in Craft > Jewelry

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How to Make Single Triple Rainbow Loom Bracelet


This is what your bracelet should look like when your done.

What You Need


You will need a loom,bands,and a hook. Make sure that the arrow is facing away from you.

Putting the Bands On


First pick a color of bands and start putting them on the pegs on the right, place them all the way down the loom. Then pick another color of bands and put them in the middle place them all the way down the loom. Now you pick one more color and place them all the way down the loom. Last pick a color, I would use grey or white, skip the first three pegs and make an upside don triangle on three pegs, do that all the way down the loom.



The looping proves is really easy. Start on the left and just make a chain then do it on the middle pegs and then on the right peg. If you don't know how to make a chain, you just put your hook in the peg and grab the bottom band and bring it forward.

Taking the Bracelet Off


Go to the last pegs on the left and right, then bring the two bands on the last right peg and bring them to the last middle peg then grab the two left bands on the left and bring it to the middle last peg. Lastly put your hook in the last middle peg and take all of those bands off and just pull the bracelet of.

Making the Extension


First put some bands on the pegs I'm using 7 but you can use as many as you need to fit your wrist. then put your bracelet on the last peg and put your hook in that peg and grab the bottom band and bring it forwards, do that all the way down the loom. lastly get a c clip and put it on the end of the chain, then connect it to the other side of the bracelet.


I hope you were able to make this bracelet! If you were able to make this bracelet I hope you enjoy! If there is a bracelet you want me to make then tell me in the comments.