How to Make Braided/Woven Headband Instructions
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How to Make Braided/Woven Headband Instructions
Original source: DIY woven headbands
Surfing online, I found these instructions: How To Braid 5 Stand Bread.
I tried this technique using ribbon but it didn't turned out pretty so I changed "side strand over middle stands" to "side strand over then under middle stands". Here is what I got. Just following the step by step instruction below to make one yourself.
What you need: 5 x 24" long 3/8" ribbon, D-ring, fabric-tac, glue gun, braided headband base (or you can wrap 1" plastic headband with 3/8" ribbon), sissors.
Step 1
Secure 5 strands of ribbon on a D-ring. Then hang/tie D-ring somewhere so both of your hands are free to braid/weave. I'll name these 5 strands from left to right: SUPER DOTS, LOLLIPOP, SOLID, SWISS DOTS and STRIPES. The basic technique is to braid side strands OVER, then UNDER. When braiding, the printed ribbon is always face up.
Step 2
Step 3
Then weave STRIPES under SOLID.
Step 4
Left side, bring SUPER DOTS over LOLLIPOP. It's OK if it doesn't look balanced because we'll cut the beginning part off later.
Step 5
Step 6
Again on right side, bring SWISS over SOLID.
Step 7
Step 8
Left side, bring LOLLIPOP over STRIPES
Step 9
Step 10
On right side, braid SOLID over SUPER DOTS, then under LOLLOPOP.
Step 11
On left, braid STRIPE over SWISS DOTS, then under SOLID.
Step 12
Continue until the braided stripe is about 17" long.
Step 13
Here is the closer look on one of the ends. Next we need to cut the extra ribbon.
Step 14
Cut SWISS DOTS, then use fabric-tac to glue SWISS DOTS and LOLLIPOP together.
Step 15
Cut LOLLIPOP, then use fabric-tac to glue LOLLIPOP and SOLID together.
Step 16
Cut SUPER DOTS then glue SOLID and SUPER DOTS together.
Step 17
Cut STRIPES and glue LOLLIPOP and STRIPES together
Step 18
Cut SOLID and glue LOLLIPOP and SOLID together. Seal the ribbon ends.
Step 19
Cover the braided headband base with this braided ribbon stripe. Then repeat step 14-18 to trim the extra length and finish the other end.
Step 20
Use fabric-tac or glue gun to glue the end of braided stripe on headband base as shown.
Step 21
Glue all the way to the other end.
Step 22
(It's really fun to pick the prettiest colors and make them combo. We have a photo album for headbands: Photo Gallery--Headbands. I just added mine and would love it if you'd all add your design to it too.)
(It's really fun to pick the prettiest colors and make them combo. We have a photo album for headbands: Photo Gallery--Headbands. I just added mine and would love it if you'd all add your design to it too.)
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