How to Design a Zombie Response Vehicle

by Bravo Unit 1 in Outside > Survival

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How to Design a Zombie Response Vehicle

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Have you ever wanted to be part of the Zombie Outbreak Response Team? NOW YOU CAN!

I can not show you ALL the hidden secrets of this Z.O.R.T. vehicle- but with a little creativity & elbow grease, you too can join the team!

First, You Need a Vehicle to Modify!

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To get started, you need a vehicle to modify!

I do not recommend your daily driver for this- but heck, I've seen it done. Just a warning~ Z.O.R.T vehicles attract A LOT of attention. So if you are trying to have a quiet night out with your significant other- or drive your child to school-pick a different vehicle as an option!

**Choose a vehicle wisely! Nobody is going to feel safe if you show up to a call driving a tiny hybrid, or mini cooper!** The first vehicle you may come across, may not be the best one! KEEP LOOKING!!! Z.O.R.T vehicles need to be able to hold gear & supplies- and of course, a team!

We came across this plain white van for $400 bucks! (We were thrilled!) Yes, an inexpensive vehicle is probably going to need some work. We were lucky it need very little to be road worthy!

Design & Plan!

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Before you jump into painting & decals~ PLAN!

Take a look on Ebay especially! There are some AWESOME, creative sellers, that will put together custom decals for you!

Measure your vehicle ahead of time, to ensure all decals will fit!

A well thought out plan will come out great!

Prepare, Prep, & Paint!

If you are new to painting vehicles , it can be done!

Prep work is always the key. Before you paint, take the time to sand the body of your vehicle & tape out all necessary parts. Nothing looks worse than over-spray! We set up a large paint booth right in our driveway. Don't have a paint booth? A driveway canopy, with tarps added for sides works great also.

Our van was painted with real painting equipment. BUT, the paint was only Rustoleum Red from Lowe's! (SShhhh Don't tell the Captain I let that secret out!!!)

We love Rustoleum paints! With a steady hand & a spray gun~ nobody will ever be able to tell it wasn't done at a dealership!

The entire paint & decal process to a few weeks for this vehicle. Please allow plenty of "dry" time before you add any decals.

Choose an Interior Design

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This Z.O.R.T vehicle is equipped with jump seats for crew, floor to ceiling tool boxes, escape hatch, first aid equipment, quarantine cage & all kinds of necessities.

PLAN what your vehicle is going to need. (You are going to look silly, when the Apocalypse happens & you show up with an empty fast food bag & a few CDs! ) A great book to get you started is the : Zombie Survival Handbook.

Minimum, your response vehicle must have first aid equipment! This vehicle has a large WWII metal first aid kit mounted in plain site. An EASY access location is a must. Gas masks, jump suits, rope, flashlights, hand tools, food & water supply- are all types of things you should consider. Please follow ALL of YOUR STATE & FEDERAL LAWS regarding any type of "weaponry". GET LICENSED!


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When your vehicles is ready....Get out there let the public know you are there to help!~

Spread the word about Z.O.R.T > local parades are a great way to get involved!

We recommend printing "business cards" and keep a stash of them handy! We get asked everywhere for our contact info!


It could be a the mean time, HELP OUT! This Z.O.R.T vehicle goes all over! Free showings for our local animal shelter (haunted walk), take kids to the prom- or help promote a local children's theater! This is not a "money making" vehicle. This vehicle was intended to help & serve our local community!

Lastly, Have Fun & Make a Fleet If You Want!!!

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Make several vehicles while you are at it!

ATVs are also fun to design!

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Lastly, remember to have fun!

And always clean up after your team!


No zombies were harmed during the adventures of this Z.O.R.T vehicle!