How to Create an Instructables Account

by RyAn_NoXiOuS in Circuits > Websites

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How to Create an Instructables Account

How to join the greatest thing since the invention of T.V. Glasses!!

And all you need is:

[   ]A working computer with an internet connection (you are using one right now.)
[   ]A recent version of Java (recommended but not required.)
[   ]A recent version of Flash (recommended for uploading photos)

Getting Started


Step 1
[   ]Once you've successfully navigated to the page you are currently viewing, right-click on the link located at the upper-right portion of this page titled "Sign up now" (see picture below) and proceed to clicking the "Open in New Window" option so you can create an account while viewing this guide.

Step 2
[   ] You will then encounter an ad suggesting that you become a Pro member. If you're interested you can always upgrade to Pro whenever you like but for the sake of convenience I suggest you ignore this and carry on.

Step 3
[   ]See picture.

At Long Last!


Spot on!

From here you can edit your info such as interests, location,  and something about yourself.

It's time to make your mark in the Instructables universe!