How to Build a Lego Dalek
This instruct able shows how to make a lego dalek from Dr Who.
Parts Needed
14 1x1 round studs
2 1x1 bricks with studs on five sides
2. 1x3 flat angles
1. 1x1 flat
1. 1x1 flat with side connector
3. Disks
3. Lever bases
2. Lever handles
1. 1x3 flat
1. 1x2 flat
1. Snap-joint center or 1 pneumatic t and stud with peg connection
2 1x1 bricks with studs on five sides
2. 1x3 flat angles
1. 1x1 flat
1. 1x1 flat with side connector
3. Disks
3. Lever bases
2. Lever handles
1. 1x3 flat
1. 1x2 flat
1. Snap-joint center or 1 pneumatic t and stud with peg connection
Attach 2 studs to the top of the 5 sided 1x1 and the 1x3 flat on the back.
The Armor
Attach the other 5 sided 1x1 on the top of the studs. Add the 1x3 angles to each side.
The Front
Using the 1x2 flat as a base attach the 1x1 with side connection and a stud topped by a 1x1 flat. Then connect this to the front.
The Head
Take 2 disks and stack the on the top. After that, stack 2 studs on top them. The snap joint price fits around the 2 studs to form a rotating piece. Attach the last disk on top the stud and connect a stud as the eye.
Substitute the studs and snap joint for the pneumatic t piece
Substitute the studs and snap joint for the pneumatic t piece
The Arms
For the plunger arm use 2 lever bases and one lever handle. Connect one lever base backward and press the handle through. Attach a 2nd base correctly
The other arm uses a basic lever.
Connect those to the 1x1 with side connection.
The other arm uses a basic lever.
Connect those to the 1x1 with side connection.
Finishing It Up
To finish, attach the remaining studs to the armor