How DC Motor Works? Simple DC Motor

by harishk99 in Workshop > Science

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How DC Motor Works? Simple DC Motor

finished product.JPG
Amazing Simple Dc Motor

A simple project to show how a DC motor works using easily available materials. This project demonstrates both the working principle of permanent magnet and the electro magnet.

Step 1: Materials Needed

round magnet.JPG
enamal removed.JPG
battery Holder.JPG
metal holder.JPG
small bold and nut.JPG

- Round permanent Magnet

- Enameled Copper Wire

- Battery Holder

- Plastic stand or a small wooden plank

- Metal clamps (to hold copper wire)

- Few bolt and nuts (to fix the metal clamp with the plastic stand)

Step 2: Making Electro Magnet

Copper wire_enamled.JPG
remove enamal.JPG

Take the enameled copper wire and use a small container or a half inch pipe to wind the copper wire firmly

Remove the coiled copper wire and keep both ends of the copper wire open - about 4-5 cm

Give 2 turns of the wire at both end around the coil. This will stop unwinding of the coiled copper wire

Make the copper wire straight (as shown in the photo)

Remove the enamel coating from both ends (you can use any sharp object to remove the enamel coating)

Step 3: Fixing the Metal Bracket

fix the metal holder.JPG
round magnet (2).JPG
Copper wire_enamled.JPG
remove enamal.JPG

Fix the metal brackets - leave enough space between the bracket to keep the permanent magnet

The space between two brackets should be slightly less than the total length of the coiled copper wire (end to end)

Step 4: Fix the Battery, Copper Coil and Permanent Magnet

finished product.JPG

Now place the copper coil (enamel coating removed from both ends) between both metal brackets

Keep the permanent magnet beneath the copper coil

connect two 1.5 v batteries to the metal holder (positive and negative)

Once power is provided from the batteries, copper coil becomes electro magnet

Now permanent magnet's north or south will oppose electro magnet's north and south

Due to the above, it experiences a force which converts it into rotational energy.