Hottest Part of Chilli Pepper & Eating Explained.

by mithileshbaraily in Cooking > Vegetarian & Vegan

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Hottest Part of Chilli Pepper & Eating Explained.


Precaution: - since Capsinoids (which causes the heat or hotness in chili) are fat soluble compound in case of emergency while performing the given practical keep butter ready and if you get heat stroke rub it up.

  • Now we know what exactly we need to have when our taster buds send single to our brain saying that it is feeling the heat of the chili always use butter.

Many of us have been mistaken by the belief that the real heat of a chili pepper are on the seeds but I do not think this is very true.

  • According to my years of Chili eating experience from Bhut Jolokia (hottest chili in the World) to Bell Pepper (Capsicum) I have observed that the real heat does not lie on the seeds.
  • I have been eating Chili since very longtime and I really love it with my food, missing a Chili for a meal is like having food without #salt for me. In the picture I have shown the Longitudinal Section anatomy of Capsicum annuum locally known as “Dalley Khorsanee” in Darjeeling/Sikkim.
  • Based on my experience I have come to this conclusion that the real heat is present in the Placenta (Capsaicin glands) and not in/on the seeds since I do not consume the seeds because it has bitter taste or I am scared that I will have a plant growing in my stomach.

Effectively eating Chili pepper:-

  • I have been eating chili pepper from out to in i.e first I consume the outer part which consist of Exocarp, Mesocarp and Endocarp than I take out the seeds and enjoy the Capsaicin glands and as I reach this point I can feel the sudden change in the taste and heat when I eat the Capsaicin glands which has led me to understand the real heat is present in the Placenta.
  • So if you want to enjoy the Chili being in the safe side and do not want to get the heat stroke, it’s better to only eat the outer part of the chili that consist of Exocarp, Mesocarp and Endocarp (refer the picture) and leave the Placenta and Seeds for any other useful purpose.

Effective use of Chili pepper in Cooking:-

  • Since now we have understood about the heat of the Chili and where it is present, now it will be easy for us to know what part of chili to use while cooking, seasoning etc.
  • If you just want the fragrance with moderate chili heat in your food and do not want much of chili heat than you should always use the outer part of the chili that include Exocarp, Mesocarp and Endocarp (refer the picture).

What causes the Chili pepper heat or pungent?

  • Well now we know about the anatomy of Chili pepper, let us learn what gives us the hotness/pungency in the Chili it is Capsinoids which include capsiate, dihydrocapsiate and nordihydrocapsiate are substances naturally present in chili peppers. Although they are structurally similar to capsaicin, the substance that causes pungency in hot peppers. Now we know that “Capsaicin” causes the heat or pungency in the Chili which is present in the Placenta the Capsaicin Glands and not in/on the seeds.

For further reading and concept about the measurement of heat in chili pepper please refer:-

Measurement of heat or pungency of Chili pepper :-

Method used: Scoville Organoleptic Test

Scale used:- Scoville scale Unit used:

Scoville Heat unit (empirical measurement) Source: