Hot Wire Foam Cutter - Arduino PWM

by adachsoft in Workshop > Tools

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Hot Wire Foam Cutter - Arduino PWM


Last time I did the Hot wire foam cutter but I missed the temperature control. So that's why I made a simple PWM control. The whole project was based on Arduino ATtiny85 Digispark. For this project I only needed three pins, so the ATtiny85 is fine. Also I carried the wires in the PVC pipes. This article can also see here:

Hot wire foam cutter - Arduino PWM

Hot wire foam cutter


  • Arduino Digispark ATtiny85
  • Plastic box for electronics
  • Some wires
  • IRF530
  • 5 x resistors 1k ohm
  • 2 x resistors 100 ohm
  • 1 x potentiometer 10k ohm
  • 2 x BC547
  • 1 x LED 3v
  • 1 x 7812
  • Hot wire foam cutter

Schematic Diagram




After soldering the circuit, we can mount it to the PVC pipe.



The next step is to place the wires inside the PVC pipe.

Software for the Controller

The software itself is very simple.
#define LED_PIN 0
	#define PWM_PIN 1
	int val = 0;
	long t = 0;
	bool sw = LOW;
	//the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
	void setup() {                
	  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); //LED on Model B
	  pinMode(PWM_PIN, OUTPUT);
	  analogWrite(PWM_PIN, 0);
	void loop(){
	  val = analogRead( A1 );
	  analogWrite(PWM_PIN, val/4 );
	  if( millis() - t > 1000 ){
	    sw = !sw;
	    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, sw);
	    t = millis();
Download source code: Hot_wire_foam_cutter.ino

Programming ATtiny85 With Arduino IDE

  1. Select board digispark (Default - 16.5mhz)
  2. Select programmer micronucleus
  3. Press upload and connect ATtiny85 Digispark to USB. You have 60 seconds to do it.

  4. Wait until it's over

The End


Work finished time to test Hot wire. Soon it will be Easter, so I will cut out Easter bunny.