Hosiery Washer Lint Filter

by ezman in Living > Cleaning

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Hosiery Washer Lint Filter

This is the sequel in my trilable on washer lint filters.  When I started this project I learned a lot and I want to share my successes and hindrances.  Each model has its own pros and cons in its design and application.  Also what works best for me may not be the model for you.  I understand some people will look at the last model and skip over its predecessor, (a direct link) but spend some time and review each model and learn as I did and avoid similar issues, ultimately to design a better washer lint filter.

A couple of summers ago we had to have the plumber come to snake the septic drain for our washing machine.  This was the second time it had been done in 15 months.  The landlord gave us a package of disposable lint catchers and asked that we use them.  I installed one but it didn’t last long (6 loads).  Just about a week; 1 x $1 = $52 extra per year.  In a simple cost comparison, $52 for disposable catchers vs. $150 to snake the drain, the disposable catchers seems a good trade off.  But they are disposable, not eco-friendly at all, I am more environmentally conscious then to throw most things away after a single use (in this case 6 uses).

Why so much lint? 
1) Volume: We produce 7-8 loads a week.  More clothes more lint.
2) Material: Different types of material produce more lint than other material i.e. Cotton and Terry cloth vs. Synthetic.  Other natural fibers e.g. tissues, “notes to self” or receipts (paper) and food.  Surprisingly new clothes “shed” more than well worn clothes.  That is not to say as clothes become mature they do not “shed”.  They do, the fabric breaks down, wear out, become thread worn because they are losing their bond.
3) Agitation: All of which is exasperated by the type of agitation during the wash cycle i.e. Heavy Duty vs. Gentle.

The intent of this instructable is to
1)  provide an alternative to the costly extraction of a blocked sewer pipe,
2)  provide an alternative to the additional cost of buying replacement (disposable) filters,
3)  encourage you to engage in a Do It Yourself franchise and community.

1st Attempt

My first thought was to clean the disposable catchers and reuse them, but that proved difficult, they are cylindrical (tubular), have a metal crimp at one end and a nylon zip cord at the other to hold the filter to the discharge hose.

Filter Design (Disposable)
1) The nylon zip tie can be manipulated for reusing or replaced with a clamp.
2) The crimp can be removed and replaced with a clamp.
3) Cleaning the filter ….
   a) I tried burning the lint after it dried.  Failed – the thin metal charred and fell apart.
   b) I turned it inside out to use tape, after the lint dried.  Failed - waste of tape, completely inefficient, not practical.

I went to the drawing board and came up with this.....

Redesigned Filter

Now I had a working knowledge of success and hindrances.  I went back to the drawing board for a better design with the same requirements.

Create a filter easy to disassemble, clean and reassemble.

Skill Level:
Easy.  Follow these instructions to make and clean your own Washer Lint Filter.

1) Nylon stockings aka panty hose (we did not have any around the house.  I went to the local 99 cent store and paid $1.50 for a pair.  Talk about an oxymoron.)
2) 2” hose clamp

1) Ruler or tape measure
2) Scissors
3) Screw driver


1) Measure and Cut a section of panty hose 4 - 5” long.
2) Slide the panty hose and clamp over the discharge hose.
3) Tighten the clamp

You are done with your replacement filter, although best practice requires making a second filter.  When one filter is full use the second filter to keep the laundry moving while you clean the first filter. 

Next steps - Clean your filter.

Clean the Hosery Filter

Time for cleaning 3 – 5 minutes
Note: this procedure works best while the lint is damp.
1) Loosen and slide the 2” hose clamp off,
2) Turn the panty hose inside out on your hand,
3) Open your fingers to stretch it out a little,
4) Remove the lint and debris by gently rubbing and picking.  Note: Keep in mind not to pick too much at the lint.  The lint will become entangled when the nylon stretches.  It may snag and run if you pull on it.  If you do cause a run, tie a knot around the hole or run.  I have had to do this many of times.
5) Turn the panty hose inside out,
6) Slide the panty hose and clamp on to the discharge hose and
7) Tighten clamp.

Observations & Summary

I used this model for 3 months.
1) This option works best if you run the discharge hose into a basin, tub or sink.  The holding container prevents the nylon from stretching too far.
2) It is reusable, it is cheap (especially if you have hosiery that are not date night quality), easy to disassemble, clean and reassemble.
3) Nylon stocking will stretch and may rip when wet under the full force of discharged water.  Depending on how long you make the filter will determine how many filters you will receive from a single pair.
4) When you use the leg of the hosiery, you will need to tie one end of the hosiery in a knot (a single knot is sufficient).
5) Light color stockings i.e. nude, white, beige work best.  Dark colors are hard to see how much lint you have captured.

Here is the link to the 3rd instructable in this series https://www.instructables.com/id/Window-Screen-Washer-Lint-Filter/

This model was OK, but it was prone to runs, holes and over all it wore out more quickly.  If you did not clean the filter after every use it took longer to clean.  I also became tired of loosening and tightening the clamp.  I went back to the drawing board.

Then I saw, and considered it well. I looked upon it, and received instruction..