Homopolar Motor
The materials you will need are:
1. 1 battery (any size)
2. Copper wire (how much you will need depends on how big your battery is)
3. 1-2 magnets (they have to be able to conduct electricity)
Putting It Together
To start, attach the magnets on the bottom of the battery.
Next, bend the middle of the copper wire so that the middle is a point.
After that, put the point on the top of the battery and bend the 2 ends of the copper wire to touch the magnet/magnets.
Finally, touch the 2 ends of the copper wire to the magnet/magnets and it should spin in a circle!
Extra: you could attach things to the copper wire to make it look more decorative, like a merry-go-round!\
(the video audio kind of got messed up :D)