Homemade Stir Fry

by savannah-homan in Cooking > Main Course

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Homemade Stir Fry


This stir fry is amazing! It is so tasty and the chicken is so good, you will love it!



1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 ½ pounds boneless skinless chicken breast, cubed, ½ teaspoon of salt and pepper, 1 16 oz. bags frozen mixed stir fry vegetables, ¼ cup of soy sauce.

Cut Up Chicken and Season

 1. Cut up chicken breasts and season with salt and pepper.

Heat the Oil

Heat ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil in a wok or large skillet over over medium-high heat

Add the Chicken


Next add the chicken into the pan

Stir the Chicken

Now stir the chicken until it is golden brown

Take the Chicken Out

Then you can take the chicken out of the pan.

Add Frozen Vegetables


Add frozen vegetables and stir fry 3-4 minutes, until heated through and crisp-tender.

Return the Chicken and Add Sauce


Return chicken to wok or skillet. Add soy sauce and mix everything well to distribute the sauce.

Reduce the Heat and Work on the Rice


Put half a cup of water into a pan them pour the rice into it and let it cook for 5 minutes at medium-high temperature.

Make sure you stir it often.

Serve Your Stir Fry


Serve stir fry and extra sauce over rice.