Homemade Japanese Mochi With Filling

by DumbDuck in Cooking > Dessert

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Homemade Japanese Mochi With Filling


If you've been craving a delightful gluten-free treat, look no further! In this instructable, we'll show you how to make delicious gluten-free rice flour mochi with an optional filling. Whether you follow a gluten-free diet or simply enjoy trying new and delightful treats, this soft and chewy mochi will surely become a favorite. With the added customization of colorful food coloring and your choice of filling, you can create a treat that is not only scrumptious but also visually appealing. Let's dive into the world of mochi-making and enjoy the delightful flavors and textures it has to offer!



  • 120g rice flour
  • 3/4 tablespoon sugar
  • 480g water
  • Food coloring (optional, for a colorful touch)
  • Filling options: ice cream, red bean paste, fruit jam, or any other desired filling

Create the Mochi Dough


In a saucepan, combine the gluten-free rice flour and sugar. Stir until all the ingredients are well combined, ensuring a smooth and lump-free batter. Add the water to the mixture. If you desire a more vibrant look, add a few drops of food coloring to the batter.

Cook the Mochi Dough


Place the saucepan over medium heat and begin stirring the mixture continuously. Continue stirring until the batter thickens and attains a stretchy, smooth consistency. This usually takes about 5 minutes of stirring.

Add Cornstarch


Incorporate 1 tablespoon of cornstarch into the mixture, and continue stirring for another minute. The cornstarch enhances the chewiness of the mochi and gives it the perfect, chewy texture.

Remove From Heat and Cool

Remove the saucepan from the heat source. Allow the mochi dough to cool down slightly. It should still be warm but comfortable to touch.

Prepare Your Work Surface


Dust your work surface with cornstarch to prevent the mochi from sticking. You can also sprinkle some cornstarch on your hands to avoid sticking during shaping.

Shape and Fill the Mochi


Take a small portion of the warm mochi dough and flatten it into a circle or oval shape on the cornstarch-dusted surface. Place a teaspoonful of your chosen filling (e.g., ice cream, red bean paste, or fruit jam) in the center.

I used some Nutella.

Seal the Mochi


Gently fold the edges of the mochi dough over the filling, pinching them together to seal it securely. Carefully roll the mochi between your palms to create a smooth ball or shape of your choice.

Chill the Mochi

Place the filled mochi on a plate or tray lined with parchment paper. Allow them to chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Chilling will set the mochi and make it easier to handle.

Enjoy Your Homemade Mochi


Congratulations! You've successfully made gluten-free rice flour mochi with an optional filling. This delightful treat is perfect for any occasion and can be customized with different fillings to suit your taste. Enjoy the soft and chewy goodness of homemade mochi, and feel free to experiment with various flavors and colors. Share your creations with friends and family, and watch them fall in love with this delightful gluten-free treat.

Note: Mochi is best when enjoyed fresh. If you have any leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. However, for the best texture and taste, try to consume them within a day or two.