Homemade Green Pesto

This is my green pesto recipie. I looked on the internet to get a basic idea how to make pesto. Then I tried it and this is what turned out to be my favorite mix.
What You Need

Here is what you need:
- basil leaves
- olive oil
- parmesan cheese
- garlic
- pine nuts*
- salt
*Allergy-Information: This recipie still workes without nuts.
Mix It

Should you have a pestle I would recommend to use it! It takes a bit more time and muscle. :)
...put about 2 cups of basil leaves, a pinch of salt, 2 gloves of garlic and 1/2 a cup of pine nuts into a blender. Grate the parmesan, about 3/4 cup, and put it into the blender as well add a drizzle of the olive oil now. Turn it up and let it do all the work.
When everything is finely chopped add the olive oil (about 1/4 or a bit more, depending on how much basil and cheese you used) and blend it again.
Note to all of you who donĀ“t have a blender or a pestle:
It is still possible to make this pesto. Just chop the basil leaves, pine and the garlic very fine and put them in a bowl. Add the grated parmesan and the oilve oil and the salt and stir everything well.
If you want to be a pro:
If you want to be a pro you can slightly roast the pine nuts in a pan befor putting them into the pesto. When you roast them they add more flavor to the mixture!
There You Go

There you go - Homemade Green Pesto!
If you want to do something different with the pesto than using it as a pasta sauce try this: https://www.instructables.com/id/Pesto-Bread-1/
I hope you liked this recipie. If you have other ideas what to add into the pesto you can write them in the comments.