Homemade Fruit Picker



Whenever I travel to my mother's, one of her favorite plans is to go pick oranges, lemons, mangoes and avocados. We always collect by climbing trees or with the help of a stick, but some of the fruits are very difficult to get down, so I decided to recreate this fruit collector with materials that we all have at home and now it is much easier to collect those fruits that are very high.

- A plastic bottle
- Electric soldering iron
- A 3 meter PVC pipe
- a cm pvc pipe
- strong rope
- marker
- cutter
- tape

here we can see the operation of the tool that we will manufacture

To start this project we will use a plastic bottle, I chose a 2.5 liter soda bottle.
With the help of a marker on the base of the bottle we will mark a point in the middle, from which we will mark 5 lines downwards.
Note: all lines must measure exactly the same

With the help of a saw we will cut along the marked lines, we must be very careful since the base of the bottle is quite hard, when we have already cut the hardest parts of the bottle, with the help of a cutter we can finish cutting the lines.

Then with the electric soldering iron we will make a hole in the tip that we cut, in total we must open 5 holes.

Then we go down towards the spout of the bottle and along the same line we will mark another 5 holes with the help of the electric soldering iron.

We cut 5 strips of rope of approximately 33 cm

We will pass one of the strips of rope through one of the holes in the base of the bottle.
We will tie a knot on the inside of the bottle and then take the strip out of the bottle.

Now we pass the rest of the rope through one of the holes in the middle of the bottle, so that the remaining rope later comes out through the mouth of the bottle.
do the same with the 5 strips of rope.

This is how it should look when we pull the 5 strings at the same time, this will make the modules open and close.

With tape we hold the 5 ropes and we will tie a knot so that the ropes do not come off.

With the help of a screw or some other object that has weight, we will insert a double strip of rope inside the PVC tube. The tube I chose measures approximately 3 meters since the fruit trees are quite tall.

We join the bottle and the PVC pipe by making a knot with the 5 ropes and with the double strip that comes out of the PVC pipe
we cut the excess of the 5 strings
Finally we join the PVC tube with the mouth of the bottles, place a little tape so that the tube enters under pressure.

We will make a kind of lever with a piece of PVC pipe approximately cm long, then with the help of the electric soldering iron we will make two holes through which the two ends of the rope that we pass through the PVC pipe will pass.
We tie a knot and cut the excess, this is done in order to be able to pull the rope for our fruit picker.
and finally we have a homemade fruit picker.

I hope you find it useful