Home Made Watermelon Slices

by 786Ayesha in Cooking > Dessert

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Home Made Watermelon Slices

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Seasonalfruit for the moment is watermelon.Almost every day I have been drinking fresh watermelon Juice.I have made these Home made watermelon slices in three different ways for the children.They prefer this more than the juice.This is pretty easy to make,you can have it iced or as it is.(Not to freeze )

Please note that there is NO gelatine or Jello added in this recipe.

IMPORTANT - The main project is '' Home made watermelon slices.

I have shown two other variation as how to make with chaina moss alone and strawberries


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Chaina moss (Agar Agar)

Tukmaria -Edible vegetable seeds

Sugar to taste



Red food coloring

Soak & Cook

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Chaina moss is called agar agar.This is a type of see weed which I use alot in summer to make faluda / milk shake as it is very cooling for the body.This is too expensive here in Germany,so I always get it down from Asia.

Take a big handful of chaina moss cut into small pieces and soak in 2 -3 cups of water over night.Next day cook on slow flame until it dissolves completely.If you require more water you can add more.Time to time keep stiring with a wooden spoon.Once it dissolves it will become thicker and sticky and the quantity will reduce.

Cut Watermelon Cups

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In the mean time while the chaina moss is cooking prepare the watermelon cups. Cut the watermelon on both sides to make 2 cups.See image 1.

Scoop out all the yummy stuffs ( you need this) out and place on top of a bowl,so that it will balance properly.

Watermelon Slices

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With the scooped out pulp make fresh watermelon juice using the liqudiser.I never add sugar to most of the fresh juices.So it is up to you to add sugar or not.Mix chainamoss liquid and watermelon juice together ,stir well and pour it into the watermelon cup.Immediately throw in some tukmaria seeds on top.It won't take too long to set.Once it is set if the watermelon cup is big,cut the skin around the cup and make it to the same level.image 6. Cut them into any shape you like.

Watermelon Slices 2 With Only Chaina Moss

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This is the same proceedure with chaina moss alone in Watermelon.....

Now that the chaina moss has dissolved completely,add sugar to taste ,take off fire add red food colouring ,mix well and pour into the watermelon cup.It will set and become hard like jelly within few minutes.So as you pour throw in some tukmaria seeds on top.

Watermelon Slices 3 With Strawberry

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Same proceedure with strawberries.

Wash and cut the straberries and make fresh juice using the liqudiser.I did not add sugar,so its up to you to add sugar or not.Mix the chaina moss liquid and strawberry juice.You do not requir food coloring for this.Pour in Watermelon cups,throw in tukmaria seed on top.Once it sets cut them into slices.

3 Types of Watermelon Slices

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This is a cool way of making watermelon slices with out using jello or Gelatine.

Thank you very much for taking time to view my project.

Comments and votes are always welcome.