Home-made Fuelless Cookery. on the Beach. Marmite Norvegienne, Le Test. Cocinar Sin Fuego La Prueba

by Organikmechanic in Outside > Survival

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Home-made Fuelless Cookery. on the Beach. Marmite Norvegienne, Le Test. Cocinar Sin Fuego La Prueba

Fuelless cookery in action. Get off the grid and on to the beach. Testing our two home-made fuelless cookers.
Public Domain Music from Nowick Gray and Eugene Neptune, GreenEarthForever: http://archive.org/details/Nimba
Testons notre deux marmites norvégiennes fabrication maison. Hors du réseau sur la plage.

Cocinar sin fuego,  la prueba - fuera de la red eléctrica.