Home Automation for Senior Citizens and Specially Abled Person

by biswarupchaki in Circuits > Assistive Tech

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Home Automation for Senior Citizens and Specially Abled Person


Home automation system achieved great popularity in the last decades and it increases the comfort and quality of life. In this Project we will implement home automation system which will be designed while keeping in mind the needs and difficulties of Senior citizen and the specially abled. A smartphone application will be used to send over instruction to a microcontroller to control several home appliances as well as will be interfaced with an IP Webcam.


1. AT89S52-Microcontroller for controlling Switches

2.4-Channel Relays

3.HC-05 Bluetooth Module

4.Solenoid Lock & Buzzer

5.Esp32 Cam Module

6.Some Phone chargers

7.Wires 8.Android Phone

9.Arduino Uno- so as to program our AT89S52 Chip

10.FTDI Programmer- so as to program ESP32 Cam Module

11. 1x11 Mhz crystal, 1x1Kohms Resistor, 2x33uF capacitor and 1x1uF capacitor.

Program the AT89S52 Chip

  • In this step we will program the AT89S52 chip to connect with HC-05 Bluetooth module so as to receive commands from smartphone so as to turn on-off .
  • For Programming we will use Keil IDE so as to generate the .hex file or you can download the hex file from the link below.
  • To upload the code on AT89S52 chip refer the below guide link -->program AT89S52 with Arduino UNO
  • Now prepare the above circuit schematic, to upload the hex file.
  • After the above steps, connect Your loads to the relay.

Program the ESP32 Cam Module to Use As an IP Webcam

  • With the help of Arduino IDE we can program the esp32 cam module.
  • we need to prep the Arduino IDE so as to program the ESP32 Cam module.
  • Prepping of Arduino IDE for ESP 32 CAM-
    1. Install Arduino IDE
    2. Go to files ---> Preferences
    3. Once preferences is opened, paste the following in Additional board managers url"https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json, http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266_index.jason"
    4. Now Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager
    5. Search for ESP32 and press install button for the “ESP32 by Espressif Systems“ and click install

  • Now connect FTDI Programmer and ESP32 CAM module with the above schematic.
  • After downloading the codes from the link, upload it to the Esp32 cam module.

Install the Android App and Make Sure You Are Connected to the Same Wi-Fi Network

  • After installing the app, which we developed with help of MIT app inventor. Turn On bluetooth on your mobile and turn on the AT89S52 system.
  • Click on connect in the app on "HC-05", password will be "0000"or"1234".
  • The led on HC-05 Module will now be stop blinking continuously/rapidly but will blink slowly after 3 secs, if successfully connected.
  • Now connect to the Wi-Fi network, which is connected to the ESP32-Cam.
  • Apk and AIA files
  • Click on "Show door Camera" to check out the stream of esp32cam.
  • If after clicking on "Show door Camera" shows error, then import the .aia file on your mit app inventor account.
  • There select screen as "Camara", then change Home Url to the IP address of your esp32 cam, which you can easily find with the help of your Wi-Fi router settings.
  • Any difficulty with MIT App inventor can be resolved with following guides:-
  1. http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/component...

  2. https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/learning-mit-...

3-D Printing of Enclosures(optional)

This is an optional step, you can download the STL Cases.

Esp32 Enclosure Thingiverse link:-https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3815069

Relay Enclosure