This is a robot designated to home automation and hence the name Homation. It has a robot and IOT device interfacing device which is the ring, consisting of a laser, camera, and a hologram project/ normal 2D plane projector. Upon touching any appliances with this function integrated, the ring projects hologram of commands, notes etc which allows you to interact with them. It could as well be used to control the robot manually or relocate the robot. This eliminates the need to have your phone with a screen constantly at home, instead the screen is everywhere you touch with you ring on your finger. For example if you touch the refrigerator, it would show a shopping list of the food you need to buy and holographic map to the supermarket. With this functionality, the robot could perform tasks including transferring of your belongings up to the size of 2 to 3 thick dictionaries, helping with shelving and organizing your rooms. With its high degree of freedom movement, it could articulate the limbs, arms and its PID controller to excel at different task you encounter at home and make life more efficient and convenient. The fingers have a soft touch material and crab clamp design so that it can grab tightly in terms of geometrical shape yet not too hard it damage the object. This robot could make use of the ring's functionality and cameras for sensing the environment and locate where you are, as long as you have the ring on you. It could also be used as an explorer and projects live images and video as the robot goes around the house. The robot has a compact design and keep your most frequently used items by your side. The fingers can move along the rail in order to adjust to suitable positions depending on the object it's grabbing