Hollow Out the Lightbulb
A light bulb after being hollowed out can be used to decorate many things like Christmas tree, window, …
It is also used like a materials to make a flower vase, aquatic bottle …
Utility knife or scissor
Screwdrivers (2 edge)
Nipper (needle nose pliers)
Nylon, gloves and protect glasses
Don’t touch crystal part of the bulb (because It can be broken and make you hurt)
You should just hold the metal one only.
Remove the Bottom
Use knife to lightly press it out
Push the knife deeper and keep pressing
Use needle-nose pliers to confine the black part
Use small screwdriver carve through the hole and lightly break the black part
Use nipper to remove the crystal left
Remove the Filament Part
Inside the bulb, there is inert gas – argon which was compressed. When you break the crystal part, it will strongly force the gas out.
So please becareful. I recommend taking something cover around the bulb, something like nylon and you should wear gloves and protect glass also
Press and break the crystal bar inside
Carve Screwdrivers (2 edge) until the filament part break and argon gas left all out
Stronger carve bulb’s cap
Use nipper to squeeze all the crystal left
Use water to clean up the bulb
With opaque bulb, use hot salt and shake
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