Holiday Dinner Dash Game
This is the how-to for my original game, "Holiday Dinner Dash"
- Shoe box
- Paint
- Paper
- Tape
- Scissors
- Pencils
- Pens
- Markers
- Modeling Clay
- Index Cards
- Ruler
- Dice
Creating the Game Board
I used an old shoe box for a large pair of boots.
- Open the box completely and flatten it out
- Grab your favorite color of acrylic paint, I chose blue
- Make sure you coat the entire surface
Create the Shopping List's
Each player gets a list of groceries they have to collect on their way around the board. Each list is based on dishes served on different holidays. Here's how I created mine.
- I used already colored index cards, but you can also paint your own
- Each holiday is a different color
- I chose my favorite 7 holidays and drew a picture for each one on the front of the card
- On the back, I divided the card into 5 equal column's, one for each section of a grocery store (produce, deli, bakery, dry goods, and dairy)
- Next I chose 10 different ingredients for each holiday and wrote them on the back of each card in their respective column.
The 5 Store Sections
Next I created the 5 sections to coincide with the 5 columns on the back of the lists cards. These are used as checkpoints as you go around the board collecting your ingredients.
- Cut index cards in half
- Write the name of one of the 5 sections on each one
Designing the Route
Next I had to design the layout, path, and decide how many spaces to have. You can do this in any way you want, I prefer a more interesting and squiggly path.
Placing the Checkpoints on the Board
- This was easy, as long as you leave enough room on your path. Make sure you spread them out to keep the game interesting as you go.
- On some of the squares I wrote helpful squares. Example: Go forward 5 squares
- On some of the squares i wrote un-helpful squares. Example: Go back 5 squares
- Next to the checkpoints I also wrote indicators telling the players when they can collect there ingredients
Creating the Pieces
For this I just used modeling clay and made small, simple shopping cart's comprised of a square and 4 small balls for wheels.
The Last Step: the Rules!
- The game should include: 7 shopping list's, 6 shopping cart pieces, 1 board, 1 6-sided die
- Place all Carts in the "Start" location
- Each player rolls the die, whoever rolls the highest # goes first, play then passes to the right
- Using the die, move your pieces around the board following the instructions on the board as you go
- If you land on a space with arrows, collect your ingredients from the corresponding section
- When you reach checkout, if you haven't collected all your ingredients, on your next turn go back 5 spaces before the first checkpoint you missed and try to collect the remaining ingredients
- Repeat this process until you collect all your ingredients
- Be the first shopper to collect all your ingredients and make it to the finish!