It's Holderbot!!
Holderbot is the fun little paper robot friend who can sit at your desk and hold things: Paperclips, earbuds, thumbtacks, and any other small, lightweight objects at your desk. Great for keeping you company and being useful.
How to assemble Holderbot.
- Print out a copy of the Holderbot printout sheet included in this post.
- Color in your Holderbot with whatever colors you want! Go crazy!!
- Cut out body and arms 1 & 2 from the printout sheet
- Cut slits into all dashed lines on the body parts
- Fold along the solid lines that divide the different segments of Holderbot's body
- Place tape or glue in three places along flap A and join it to segment 1.
- Place tape or glue on flap B, and join it to segment 2
- Place tape or glue on flaps D & E. Fold the sides of segment 7 over flaps D & E and join them together.
- Place tape or glue over flap C and fold it into the back area of segment 7.
- Take folded arms and insert them into the slits on the sides of Holderbot's body.
- Congratulations!! Your very own holderbot is complete. Now he's ready to start holding things for you.
To make your holderbot, you will need:
1 Copy of the printout sheet included in this post, preferably printed on sturdy paper.
1 pair of scissors or an exacto knife
1 bottle of school glue or scotch tape