How to Paint Wall Stripes

by Lord of The Things in Living > Decorating

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How to Paint Wall Stripes

This process can work on semi-smooth surfaces.  I first measured out my stripes with a laser and light pencil marks.

Placing laser beam on each pencil mark and follow line with painters tape.  While I was working on this I changed my mind and decided to gradually widen the paint areas as it moves across the wall. This I hope will ad drama.

I then mixed painters calk with a small amount of water then I apply it along the tape edge. This prevents line leaking of paint at tape seal.

A damp cloth or moist sponge is used to smooth out the calking. Next allow 20 min for calk to seal (not completely dry) or tape will not pull evenly.

Paint desired colors being careful not to over brush and mix colors.

Before paint drys gently pull tape upward and maintain control of tape so it will not slap against your painted wall and be sure you have a place to put the messy tape after it is removed so you don't have to scream for your wife to help!