by sghosh21 in Circuits > Wearables

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Cheap, new and improved version ,CoMiNg sOOn.!(maybe within a month)

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My idea was quite simple, just needed to make a pair of gloves that could warm my hands.Thought of sharing the idea with everyone with a very simple and Easy To Do project which could Help the Viewers have a WARM WINTER.......LOLz.........

Every single step which i did in real life is Explained as simply as possible. Just follow the steps and be patient and i can guarantee you that this Winter is going to be a lot of fun. OR if everything fails just comment the problem below, i will try my best to help you out.

Warning 1:- This tutorial requires Intermediate Level experience with Arduino IDE and also requires good Soldering Skills. So this is not a beginner friendly Instructable . Sorry for the first timers.

This Might Help :- Check out my another instructable for better perception about Arduino , it starts with the basics and finally you end up with an Autonomous Rover and that this tutorial is beginner friendly with explained coding and stuff.

Warning 2 :- This tutorial is also not for the soft-hearted . Seriously speaking if you get frustrated and you give up suddenly this won't help you to learn a thing. After doing the full thing you may see that nothing is working and you may blame me for that, let me tell you one thing i have tested this product for over and hour after i fried up the batteries unknowingly. If you have a problem with frying things coz thats how we learn by doing mistakes [ i even fried up the LCD]



Objective :- To wrap Thermoelectric Cooler and trace out a pair of gloves using an ordinary
Aluminium Kitchen Wrap .

Probable Doubts :- are like, Why the hell do you need a cooler for ?.......don't just go on the name 'cooler' it can both turn hot and cold simultaneously(i.e one side gets cooled the other one gets heated up)......its known as the Peltier Effect i will explain the theory in just a second. if you get bored don't read it fully, because for example:-

"You don't have to know how the computer works just to use it".

Things Required :-

• 2 X Peltier Cooler , TEC1-12706 to be exact, but any other TEC(Termo-Electric Cooler) should work just fine.
• 1 X Pair of Gloves
• 1 X Aluminum Foil Wrap Roll
• 1 X Scissor [ i would suggest a small scissor ]
• 1 X Marker
• 1 X Super Adhesive

Theory:- To know what Peltier Effect is? First you need to know about Seebeck Effect .First check out the third image. The image says all about Seebeck Effect. It says that when two different metals are joined together and the juncture points T1 and T2 are heated with a temperature difference, current flows through the circuit (voila) . The 'V' in the image signifies a voltmeter connected in parallel to check out the driving voltage in the circuit. The two metals together is defined to be a Thermocouple .

What's Peltier Effect ?

Its just the opposite to what Seebeck Effect does. In Peltier Effect it's said that when Current is passed through the same circuit i.e. if you replace the voltmeter with battery and connect it in serial to the circuit. The two juncture point T1 and T2 will have a temperature difference that is one point will get hot and other point will get cooled.

Procedure :- (Left Hand) [ if you go through every picture one by one you wont be needing this procedure ]

1. Wrap up the TEC with long pieces of Aluminium foil very decently just like in image-4.
2. Fold the Foil into two halves big enough to fit a glove.
3. Take your gloves and trace out the fingers with a marker just as shown in the 5th image.
4. Carefully cut off everything outside the boundary.
5. After the trimming your foil should look somewhat like in the 7th image.
6. You should get two pieces of the traced out glove.Stick both of them with adhesive.
7. There you go you have got a bit stronger Aluminium foil hands.
8. Stick the Hot Side of the covered TEC to the Foil Hand.

Procedure :- (Right Hand)

Same as Above

Go on to the next step - In the next step , we will try to make a cover to stick the TECs and the the Foil Hands and cover it up with a cloth and stitch it up.

I hope you liked my first step , for any questions or logical discrimination , please feel free to comment , that is how i can improve this instructable.

STEP 1 - Reloaded


Objective :- To make a cover for the Hand Foil with the TEC (Thermo Electric Cooler) and to stitch Velcro on the gloves and on the cover

Things Required :-

  • 1 X pair of gloves
  • 1 X Scissor
  • 1 X Pencil
  • 1 X Super Glue
  • 2 X Aluminium Foil Hand with TEC stuck to it [Form previous Step]
  • 1 X One meter of black cloth
  • 1 X Velcro (image - 3)
  • 1 X needle and thread

Procedure :- [Left Hand]

  1. Fold the cloth into two halves.
  2. Trace the glove with a pencil.
  3. Cut the cloth.You will get two pieces.
  4. Stick the FOIL HAND with the TEC to the exact phase of the cut cloth with Super Glue.
  5. Stitch both the pieces up , leaving a hole for the TEC's wires to come out [ Image 2 ]
  6. Stick (or Stitch)Velcro to the front phase of the glove and to the back phase of the cover. [ Image 5 ]
  7. Stick the cover to the glove and you are good to go.

Procedure :- [Right Hand]

Same as above

Here Endeth all the difficult technical parts , these two steps were the most difficult for me to do . Don't be angry if you make mistakes , just learn from you mistakes . That's what i did after failing for a couple of times.This note is obviously not for experts, so just ignore.

Paint Them Like HeLL ^ ^--->


Now this is a fun Step to do , actually its the most funniest step of all , so lets get going

Objective 1 :- To color and paint the cover you made in Step 2

Things Required :-

  • The Covers form the previous STEP.
  • Acrylic colors .
  • Brushes .
  • Whatever you need to make the cover look AWESOME.

Procedure :-

  1. Use your imagination .
  2. Take up Art Accessories .

I preferred to make it look HOT so i made flares and fire , use you imagination and make it look good .

Objective 2 :- To fix the LM-35 temperature sensor to the gloves from STEP-2

Things Required :-

  • 2 X LM-35 Temperature sensor .
  • The pair of Gloves form the previous STEP.
  • Silver thread Bobin [ i didn't use it coz i am very bad at stitching, but i would suggest using this].
  • Needle.


  • 2 X LM-35 Temperature sensor.
  • The pair of Gloves form the previous STEP.
  • 3 X 30 cm thin insulated single-core wires.
  • Solder and Solder Iron

Procedure :-

1) The thing is very simple fix the LM 35 and make the 3 pin-outs from the sensor long enough to get them connected to the StandAlone boards [ we will talk about that on the next step ] , use either the silver thread or use insulated wires.

2) I would also suggest to use a Hot glue gun to insulate between the 3 pin - outs from the sensor , you never know whats getting connected to what .

Yet it was quite some fun i believe , comment your experience on this , i would feel Happy to see you guys having FUN

From next Step onward we will need to do some serious yet not so serious Electronics and Programming stuff . So brace yourself, because the good stuff is yet to come.

Make Your ArDuInO


We just finished all the Hard To Do Jobs (atleast for me), now its time to get going with some serious electronics stuff. Everyone who has an Arduino should admit that its one the best creation for electronics hobbyists, but you know what sometimes we just need to make it all by our-self, according to our needs coz an Arduino has lots of good stuff in it, but we dont always need all the good stuff . We will make the brain of an Arduino that is the Atmega Microcontroller Stand-Alone.

Lets Get Started

Objective :-To make 2 development boards that can only show OUTPUT from the Microcontroller

Things Required:- [ Check out the images for the list of parts required ]

• 2 X 28-pin socket (image 4)
• 4 X 22pf Ceramic Capacitor (image 5)
• 2 X 16 Mhz Crystal (image 6)
• 2 X Perf-Board (image 7)
• 1 X 40 pin female header (image 8)
• 2 X 5V voltage regulator (image 9)
• 2 X Red LED (image 10)
• 2 X 220 ohm resistor (image 11)
• Bread Board [ if you want to prototype it first ]
• Solder, Solder Iron, Soldering Flux , and some good soldering skills.

Procedure :-

1. Open image 2 and 3 and download both of them.

2. After downloading open both of them , and analyze.
3. Compare image 3 and solder you prototype on a perf board using the components mentioned above .
4. I wont comment on How to Solder ? Because Soldering is an art and it cannot be explained [Thats what i think]
5. Try to make it as small as possible.

6. If you want you can use de-coupling capacitors to the Voltage Regulator.

Repeat the procedure once again , because you need two dev boards, one for the left hand and another one for the right hand.

Here you go we are half way through !!!!!!!

Make the LCD Look Easy


A 16 X 2 LCD Module has 16 pin-outs but we only need 8 pins including the +5v and GND lines so we need just 6 pin-outs that goes to the digital pins of the Arduino .We also need a 1k ohm potentiometer to control the contrast of the characters to be displayed. So its better to make it look easy and transform the 16 pin complexity to just 8 pins.

Lets get Started

Objective :- To make a easy-to-connect break-out board for the 16 X 2 LCD module

Things Required :- [ Check out the images for the list of parts required ]

• 1 X General Purpose 16X2 LCD Module [ I used JHD 162A] ( image 3 )
• 1 X 1k ohm Potentiometer. (image 4)
• 1 X Perf Board (image 5)
• 1 X 40 pin female header (image 6)
• Small wires [ if required ]
• Obviously, Solder, Solder Iron, Soldering Flux

Procedure :-

1. Check out the the breadboard view of the circuit (image 2) and prototype it in the perf-board
2. I would first suggest to decide and make a rough diagram of How you are going to connect it in the perf- board .
3. Solder accordingly and always remember Soldering Skills are acquired through practice and not by learning.
4. Use wires if you need .

This LCD will display the temperature from both the hands , remember we stitched the temperature Sensors LM-35 to the gloves in STEP 3. It will also help us know which mode we are on i.e AUTO or MANUAL

Yes, these gloves will have two modes to swap , AUTO and MANUAL , in the next step we will make a module for controlling the TECs (Thermo-Electric Cooler) From STEP 1 to either run on AUTO or MANUAL mode

I hope its quite interesting , keep me posted with your comments.

LEFT Hand Control


What do you think ! Isn't it quite interesting . We are getting into some serious electronics stuff ,right. But believe me when i tell you "IT'S NOT SO SERIOUS".
Lets get to know about this step .

The module which we will make in this step is going to go on the Left Arm . There will be two switches ; one of them will be used to hop Modes i.e. AUTO and MANUAL and the other one will be used to switch the heating effect ON or OFF while the MODE is switched to MANUAL , and all these data will be sent wirelessly to the right hand including the temperature which will be further displayed in the LCD

Objective :- To make a control board for controlling the mode of the gloves.

Things Required :- [ Check out the images for the list of parts required ]

  • 2 X Simple Push Button (image 3)
  • 2 X 10k Ohm Resistor (image 4)
  • 1 X N-Type MOSFET - P55NF06 (image 5)
  • 1 X RF - TX Module (image 6)
  • 1 X Perf Board (image 7)
  • 1 X Female Header (image 8)
  • 1 X Bread Board (optional)
  • Solder, Solder Iron , Solder Flux

Procedure :-

  1. First i would suggest to check out image 1 and prototype the same on the breadboard .
  2. Then trace the same circuit on a small piece of the perf-board. Try to make it as small as possible just like i did (image 1)
  3. As previously said Soldering is an Art , so the more you practice the more perfect you become.

On the next STEP we will make the right hand circuit . Its as easy as this STEP just some soldering skill required and basic electronics knowledge.

And again , please leave you opinion and comments

RIGHT Hand Control


This is the Last STEP where you will need Soldering Skills , i know its quite boring to solder but trust me the final product will be mesmerizing

Lets Get Going

Objective :- To make a control board for receiving the mode and temperature data from the LEFT Hand.

Things Required :- [ Check out the images for the list of parts required ]

  • 1 X N-Type MOSFET - P55NF06 (image 3)
  • 1 X 10 k ohm resistor(image 4)
  • 1 X RF - RX Module (image 5)
  • 1 X female header (image 6)
  • 1 X Perf-Board (image 7)
  • Solder, Solder Iron, Soldering Flux.

Procedure :-

I think you will know what to do , because we are doing quite the same thing.

So this one i leave it to you.

We are almost GOOD to GO , On the next step we will just need the Arduino IDE and Obviously an Arduino Dev Board to upload two sketches (programs) for the left and the right Atmega 328 s then the Atmegas will just need be fixed on the module made remember STEP 4 " Make Your ArDuInO " .

Upload the Sketches


This is most easiest Step of all

Just copy - paste - Upload - Good To Go

and finally try to understand the code , this will help you improve your logic development skills

Objective :- To Upload respective sketches to the left and right ATMEGAs using Arduino IDE.

Things Required :-

  • Arduino IDE [ Click on the click if you don't have it ]. (image 2)
  • Arduino UNO or similar. (image 3)
  • OUTPUT modules from STEP 4 " Make Your ArDuInO ". (image 3)
  • 2 X Atmega 328 or similar.(image 4)
  • USB cable Type-A to Type-B. (image 5)
  • Obviously a functional Computer.

Procedure (LEFT) :-

  1. Insert one of the Atmega to the Arduino Board.
  2. Connect the Arduino with the USB.
  3. Upload the program " LEFT. ino " to the Atmega.
  4. Unplug the USB.
  5. Extract out the Atmega .
  6. Mark it as Left .
  7. Fix it to one of the Module from STEP 4.

Procedure (RIGHT) :-

  1. Insert the left-out Atmega to the Arduino Board.
  2. Connect the Arduino with USB.
  3. Upload the program " RIGHT.ino " to the Atmega.
  4. Unplug the USB.
  5. Extract out the Atmega .
  6. Mark it as Right.
  7. Fix it to the left-out Module from STEP 4.

Note :- In case you dont have the VirtualWire library, by awesome Mike McCauley which is used in both the sketches . Please download the " " file and Add the Library to the Arduino IDE. While you do your own tutorial never forget to appreciate the work of others , coz you know we are Open-Source here.

We are Good to GO guys and gals every thing is completely set , we just need to attach everything up and power the boards . In the Next Step we will just setup the modules accordingly and power them up with two Li-ion 7.4 volts battery i.e for the LEFT and RIGHT hand.

The BEST Part - Integrating


This is a fun but very important Step which you need to do very carefully , because wrong connections may result in permanent damage (talking from experience) .

Objective :- To Assemble all the modules together.

Things Required :-

  • The Cheap Gloves with The LM-35 Temperature Sensor attached to it (STEP 3 )(image 1&2).
  • The Painted Gloves Cover (STEP 3) (image 3&4).
  • The Arduino OUTPUT Boards with the Sketches uploaded to the ATmega (STEP 4) (image 5).
  • The Left-Hand Circuit (STEP 6) (image 6).
  • The Right Hand Circuit (STEP 7) (image 7).
  • The LCD Module (STEP 5) (image 8).
  • 2 X Rechargeable 7.4 volts Lithium ion batteries.
  • Some jumper wire - As Required
  • A Double Sided Tape Roll [ You can use Glue and other Stuff, i used it so that the cloth doesn't turn messy].


  1. Check out the last three images.
  2. I think you will know what to do , because everything is mentioned in the pictures
  3. Just follow the pictures and do the connections very carefully
  4. I dont know how you will stick it to the cover of the gloves, its totally you choice.
  5. Power both of the them with the batteries.
  6. Enjoy, thats what i did .

Warning :- After powering them , comes the most critical situation, its may seem like nothing is working . Just check the soldering 90% error happens due to wrong soldering.

You have done it, and if you din't go on trying and ask me for solution i will be happy to answer your questions and queries with the smallest knowledge i own.

Show Off and Enjoy the Winter[Whats Left of It]


Mesmerize me with your ideas about How to improve this device and this tutorial..

If you don't like it comment it right here about your experience, and i may have a explanation for the inconvenience.

No videos for now coz i fried up two batteries , and also the LCD .

And if you like it Please dont forget to FOLLOW and VOTE I know i dont stand a chance but then too nothing to loose, We are Open - Source here and thats what i believe in and thats what this tutorial is all about