Hideable Piggy Bank

by arlin1718 in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Hideable Piggy Bank

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 1.47.02 PM.png

Welcome to my very simple piggy bank that's convenient enough that can be just another miscellaneous item in your house! It's a small way to put any loose change or dollar bills etc so you don't discard them and then you'll be able to open it once it's full.


  • have an idea or a concept
  • computer
  • have a 3D printer AND fillament
  • website(s) that can be able to design what you want; tinkercad, printables etc
  • have a app/website so you can upload your desgin when it's ready to be printed
  • make any tweeks you feel are necessary



first get your device(laptop,computer etc) go to your choosen website/app (tinkercad, printables etc) then once you get there you will get a sphere and make the dimensions 99.0 and 97.0



then you will make the inside of the sphere hollow using the same sphere shape which you will press the shape then it'll give you the option of hole or soild. you will press hole then you will have to tinker with the second sphere till it fits in the soild sphere.

Connecting Again


then you will get another shape called paraboloid, and then you will make its dimensions as big as you need it for the second hole you will need.



then you will duplicate the paraboloid and make it a hole. then place it in the center of the sphere but make sure the pointy part of the paraboloid is facing down when it goes into the sphere.

Print Away!


then if you are statisfed with you have desgined ou are ready to print but if you want to add more or reduce go straight ahead!