Hidden Book Safe

by ExpertBuilder in Circuits > Electronics

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Hidden Book Safe


Have you ever had your candy stolen? Do you want to have a place to keep valubles, candy, and money? Well, I have the fix. Once you make this you will have changed 5 old and damaged books into a candy hiding magnet locked bookcase. The books will be hollowed out, so you can put your candy in. Have fun building!


5 old and damaged books (hardcover), electric pneumatic piston, 12 volt AA battery holder, Jig saw, Drill, Button, Glue gun, 4 velcro, 4 bolts (depending how long your books are. Measure and buy.), nuts fitting bolts.

Cut the Books


Read whole step before making. Use clamps while drilling. Make holes with your drill on the four corners of the books. This is for the bolts. Do this to the 3 middle books. Also, make a tiny hole in the center for the jigsaw. For the first book, open the back. Put a piece of cardboard so the drill will not ruffle the paper. Drill. For the last book do the opposite. Open the cover and do not drill that cover. People will see the back of the first book, and front of the fifth book, and the middle of the 2, 3, and 4 book. Cut with drill saw. Drill a hole the size of the button in a space that you will remember. Put it in the hole and glue down.

Bolts and Pneumatic Piston


Fit in the bolts through the book. Pile the books together and using epoxy, glue them. Glue the piston to the front of the hole in the safe. When powered it should open the cover of the fifth book. Put battery in the back of the book safe.



Attach magnets to the safe on both sides. This will keep the books from opening and showing your hidden safe. When you press the secret button the cover will open. Drill holes the size of the magnets into the cover. Velcro the battery to the back of the safe. If you want you can add a light, or cool looking metal around the books. Have fun keeping your candy safe!


Do you want to make your safe cooler? I got another fix. You can either make a thin wooden box the length and width of the inside of the books, or, if you have this you can make a box and glue it down. You would use silver metallic cardstock paper. For a light you can glue and LED and a battery on the top of the books. With my design I did not go for the light. I covered the space in the books with the cardstock. I found that it was easy to see and it looked very good. The cardstock also hides your mistakes if you made any. It also hides the wires and the hole for the battery.

I hope you had fun building this amazing machine! Please like!