Help Find a Home for a Stray Animal

Hello! In this instructable, you'll learn you to help find a home for any stray animal using the blog- Take It Home by posting information about animals in need of a loving home through the blog or adopting an animal listed on the blog.
The URL of the blog is (highlighted in the pic)The home page of the blog looks as shown in the picture.
- (Circled in Red) You can post information about an animal in need of a home by Going to the POST Tab.You can also use the shortcut link under the blogroll heading on the side
- (Circled in Blue) To know more about the Blog, go to the ABOUT tab.
Posting Information

Upon clicking on the post tab, a message is displayed which gives you a link for posting information. This is the same link which is provided under 'blogroll'
When you click on this link, you are taken to a submission form. (See in pics)
PS The picture does not show ques no. 4 but this is an intentional mistake.
Answer all the questions on the form and click on the Finish button when you are done. A message (as shown in above pic) will be displayed, which confirms the submission of your info. All attempts will be made to publish this information on the blog as soon as possible.
Hence, this blog will help the thousands of stray animals across the globe to find themselves a new home. Also, I request you to share this post and the blog widely so that more and more people can contribute.