Hello World
Linkit ONE Basics
Linkit ONE
USB cable
Connecting the Bread Board
Place the Led transistor and resistor on the board just like i showed in the picture.
Add the two wires and your done with breadboard only connections.
Linkit ONE Connecting
Take 3 wires of any color and follow the picture on where to put them. Next you will connect those wires to the bread board
Connecting Finished
After all the connections are made it should look like this. Hook up the USB to the computer and your ready to code
This is the code you will need to use for this project. However you will nee to format it differently for the program to work correctly
const int pinLED = 3; // LED connect to D13
void setup() { pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT); // set direction of D13-OUTPUT } void loop() { digitalWrite(pinLED, HIGH); // LED on delay(3000); digitalWrite(pinLED, LOW); // LED off delay(100); }
That's all Folks!