Hedgehogs As Pets

by aeining98 in Living > Pets

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Hedgehogs As Pets


Common household pets are boring. Hedgehogs are easy, cheap, and unique pets to own. They are a great way to teach kids how to be responsible and are good practice to see if the child can handle more responsibilities in the future. This guide includes the supplies we need, bath time, nail trims, and the monthly experience of owning a hedgehog.


Overall hedgehogs need a cage, bedding, water bottle, food, and bed/house. Bath time supplies call for a towel, soft toothbrush, washcloth/drain cover, sink/tub, and pet shampoo. Nail trims need nail clippers. Finally, we need a hedgehog!



First, we need the supplies for a hedgehog. A hedgehog needs a cage that is one story and long. This way, they can have as much space as possible. A shelter with ramps is also great because hedgehogs can be potty trained to go to the bathroom on the bedding side and live on the other side of the ramp. The ideal meal for hedgehogs is pet store hedgehog food. However, they will also eat cheap cat food, which is at Walmart. Dried mealworms, crickets, and fruits are considered treats for hedgehogs. Other primary supplies are a water bottle, wheel, bed, and bedding. An exercise wheel is not necessary but recommended because hedgehogs need exercise in wheel form or just letting it out to run under a watchful eye. Once everything is acquired, time to get the hedgehog and care for it.

Bath Time:

Bathing a Hedgehog

After getting all the supplies, caring for a hedgehog is easy. Hedgehogs naturally clean themselves, but sometimes they get smelly. Bath time is the best way of getting a hedgehog out of its spikey ball shell. Before bath time, we will need a soft toothbrush, washcloth, towel, pet soap, and a sink or tub. First, we will have to check that the drain is protected by a washcloth or closed with a cover. The hedgehog will most likely get its legs stuck if we skip this first step. Second, make sure the water is at a warm temp. Testing the water is like putting baby milk on our wrists; the water cannot be too hot or cold. Now the hedgehog is slowly placed in the water. The hedgehog will naturally come out of its ball form and swim around. We will need only a drop of soap on either the hedgehog or the toothbrush. Next, we will brush the hedgehog with the toothbrush softly. A crucial point to bathing a hedgehog is cleaning the quills only and knowing we do not get soap or water on its face. Lastly, rinse the hedgehog under warm water and hold it in a towel to dry.

Nail Trims:


Another crucial step to caring for a hedgehog is nail trims. Nail trims are easily performed right after bath time. All we need is a human nail clipper. Holding the hedgehogs up, so we can see all their toes, we will clip their nails. Their nails are soft and do not need loads of pressure. They will have white starting at the top of their nails and a clearer towards the bottom. Hedgehogs’ nails are never cut into the white part of their nails. Cutting a little piece of nail at a time helps knowing how far to clip their nails. After clipping their nails a few times, they will get used to the cutting. Also, it will be easier knowing what length.

Overall Hedgehog Needs:


Lastly, bonding with a hedgehog can be a learning curve. If the hedgehog is already social, then bonding is a blast. However, an anti-social hedgehog can be a hassle. An anti-social hedgehog can only become social if we handle the hedgehog every day and get it used to us. It will also get used to our smell this way. Hedgehogs are easy pets; they do not need full attention. They do need to be in an environment between seventy to eighty degrees. Cleaning their cage can be done every two weeks. Bath time and nail trims could be a monthly occurrence.



Finally, we have a loving hedgehog as a surprising pet. Depending on how we chose to raise our hedgehog, it could be a happy and loving relationship for up to seven years. Buying a hedgehog can save a hedgehog from an anti-social life at a pet store. Have fun with this beginners’ guide to owning a hedgehog, and do not forget to do more research if needed.