Hawaiian Bagels

this is my vegan instructable for Hawaiian bagels. I'm keeping it simple, with few ingredients, and a sweet finish that separates them from plain bagels. the trick is in substituting pineapple juice for the water/liquid.

1 3/4c all purpose flour
2T yeast
1/2 T sea salt (I'm using New Zealand smoked sea salt)
6oz pineapple juice
mix it all together!
2T yeast
1/2 T sea salt (I'm using New Zealand smoked sea salt)
6oz pineapple juice
mix it all together!
I Knead You

flour your dreamboard and knead the dough about 5min. I didn't add more than about 1/4c flour during this process. I like to sprinkle a little flour on the dough ball as it rises, to insulate it a bit more.
Rise Time

give it an hour. cover the dough with a light towel and put it in a warm area. go do laundry or read or something.
Divide & Conquer

divide dough into four. roll the dough between your palms and coax them into shape. push your thumb through the center of each. let the bagels rise 10min as you prepare the boiling syrup.

fill a saucepan about 3/4 with water. add 1T brown sugar to this and get the water to a rolling boil. turn down to medium heat. lower a bagel in, flip it after half a minute, and boil the other side for the rest of the minute.
Dry Time

dry each on a wire rack upside-down for about a minute.

oil a pizza stone, and sprinkle it with cornmeal so they don't stick.

bake for 20min at 400 degrees. watch them carefully and pull them from the oven once they're golden.

allow the bagels to cool on a wire rack or bamboo, as shown. there's a bit of work that goes into this recipe, and it's time-consuming, but very worth your time! try using shredded coconut as a topping before you throw them in the fire for a different version (I'm not a fan of coconut, myself), or a sprinkle of salt. I hope you enjoy these! bon apetit!