Haunted Building

In this project I'm going to show you how to make a hunted building that is very easy to create and super fun to make. This project will help you with taking measurements and also making yourself an effective spray painter. I made this project for the fun and joy of it. Getting to having my friends come help and collaborate with me on this project was a fun experience.
Benji wood
spray cans
battery 2032
LED light
on/off swtich
Create the Idea

During this process I came up with the idea to create a hunted house with a rough draft in mind of what I wanted to create

For the start of the projected I decided to make it 3inx4in for every building I was going to create

I already designed a tower way back in 7th grade during covid and never thrown it away. Good thing I kept it because it played a major role in this project serving as the antenna for one of the building. Its ok if you don't have this or at all this was something I personally wanted to include bringing back memories back from covid.
Designing the Tower

For this section the first tower I created was 6ft tall, the second tower was 9ft tall as well, and for the last and biggest tower was 14 feet tall all the towers are with the same dimension as the base for the top

For this section you will cover the wood with cardboard giving the structure a building like effect

For this part you want to give you structure a solid color all away around I choose to go with gray but you could do something else

For this section I covered the building with tape in a grip like system so when I spray over the building with the spay paint it will make it look like the building is glowing and have windows too.
Spray Painting

This part you can spray paint the building any color you want I spray painted the building yellow for the Halloween theme but you can spray paint this any other color
Removing the Tape

This part is self explanatory itself

For this part you want to make a circuit with an LED light and connect it to a switch I personally sawdered them together so it dosen't detach from eachother when I pull on them. I also connected them to the battery and taped it around with electrical tape so it can never detach from the batter (don't ask how are you going to detach the wire from the battery once its dead I don't know myself either)
The Last Touches

for this part all you need to do now is add a poll in the center to hold up the LED light and stabilizers to make sure the poll doesn't fall down
Admirer You Hard Work