Harry Potter Envolope ✉

This is a Harry Potter envelope instructable that can be made in the way of a party invitation or can be used in a game.
1) 21*21 square sheet paper
2) Glue Gun
3) Glue
4) Coin (optional)
5) Green Pen
6) 18*16 rectangle sheet to right a note.
First take a square sheet and fold it in half in a triangular form. Open it and do the same with opposite side.

A cross sign (x) should be made on the sheet. Now join 2 edges in the between and fold it properly.
Now take the bottom edge and fold it in a way that it should go a bit ahead of the middle dot. Fold the leftover part inside.( As shown )

Now paste it all together.
Now take the last edge and fold it the same way we folded the bottom part (except this time we will not fold the little triangle in).

Now take your glue gun and make a circle out of it. Give it a design by the help of coin if you want to.
Now paint the glue gun piece red and paste it on the envelope. It will look like a seal.
Now take your little paper and write your note in it. Keep it inside. And then close the envelope and pack it.

Now write the address and it is ready to be sent by an owl !!!
The link for making the owl is- https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Make-an-Owl-That-Actually-FliesMake-It-Out-/