Handmade 3D NASA Light

My sister turned 60 this spring and she loves space and anything connected to space, I thought I have to make her the most amazing birthday present ever and hence I made a handmade 3D NASA light.

First off I needed a template, I printed a NASA logo on 4 A4 sheets and taped it together, then I started to trace the red "arrow" thingy on a A3 sheet and the letters on an other A4 sheet.
Cut Your Templates

After I was done I cut the templates, mind not to cut them too close to the lines, you want some space between the line and the edge of the paper.
Glue Time

Glue your templates to some sort of board, I used a simple OSB (oriented strand board) board as the base in this project.
Cut the Tamplates

Wait until the glue is dried up, preferably over night, then cut them out using your favourite cutting tool, I used a jigsaw. In the second picture you can also see the fiber optic cables that are going to be used in this project, the black tubing you see is a small pneumatic tube in witch I have put a steel wire to be able to shape it the way I wanted, I cut one end and used hot glue on the other end to get it in to the right shape. In the round board I drilled holes where the stars on the logo is.
Paint Job
No pictures of the paint job since I have covered that process in another Instructable
But a brief run trough of the aluminium tape/paint work is:
Tape all parts with aluminium tape, wrinkle the tape to get some structure then paint it all with acrylic paint. If you want a more comprehensive guide to that sort of art just follow the link.
Let It Glow

Sine me and my sis lives some 400 kilometres apart I can't easily change a bad battery or broken light for her I needed an easy to change light source. To get the right kind of glow I used a UV flash light. Nailed the flash light to the board using some metal mesh that I cut to length, when it was secured I zip tied the fiber optic cables together and nailed it down a bit to.
Finishing Touches

After a test run of the light I hot glued all the pieces together and behold the finished NASA logo light :)