Hand Santizer Machine

Hi guys.
In this instructable we make an automatic hand santizer machine using Arduino. You can install it on wall or put on table. It has exact ultrasonic sensor and quick response. By make this device keep your environment healthy during pandemic!
What We Need?

Arduino Uno
hc-sr04 ultrasonic sensor
l298n dc motor driver (you can use rele insted of motor driver)
wiper water pump and some pipe
12V dc power supply
dc socket male - female
some led for lighting
water spray nozzle
1.5 liter soda bottle (I used a Coca-Cola bottle)
laser cut body port
Laser Cut Body
Download .dxf file for laser cut body. Use 3mm (2.7 mm) MDF or plexiglass sheet.
Assemble Body

If you have solidworks you can download Santizer_solidworks.rar and open Assem1.SLDASM for assemble guide but you have not, don't worry it's simple.
Notice : don't install front part. we install it after embedding electrical parts. Like image.
Install Pump

Make hole bottom of bottle then install pump using O-ring.
Upload Arduino Sketch
Download ino file and upload it on your arduino uno using Arduino IDE.
Electrical Parts

Install electrical parts according above schematic.
Assemble Body Compeletly

After assemble put disinfectant liquid on bottle and test it. :)