Hand Paper Puppet

Fast forward to 3:27 in the video for the instructions
Puppetry is a form of theatre which shares the process of animating inanimate objects to tell a story. The art form was first recorded in the 5th century BC in Ancient Greece and is still popular today. Puppets can be complex with many moving parts or very simple. This maker challenge is to create a paper puppet!
- 8.5" x 11" Paper

Mark your paper at 2-13/16” inches at the top.
Move your ruler over and measure another 2-13/16” measurement.
Fold Paper Into Thirds

Fold your paper into thirds using the marks
Left to Right

Fold the left side to the right edge
Top Right to Left Edge

Fold the top portion to the left edge
Flip it over and repeat
Make It Talk!

Put thumb and fingers in pockets
Make it talk! Tell a story!