Halloween Candy Corn Parfait
Since I had excess pineapple left over from the last project (Pineapple Jack-o-Lantern), my wife decided to make this quick, simple desert which we tried to get to match the dreaded candy corn. It was pretty tasty and only took about 3 minutes to make. As an added bonus we were able to use some fancy champagne glasses to dress the whole thing up.
To match the colors of candy corn (yellow, orange and white), the following ingredients were used:
- Pineapple slices
- Mandarin Oranges
- Yogurt
- Whipped Cream (optional)
I didn't provide the amount of ingredients since it really depends on the size of your container. To make these two small glasses, 3 pineapple slices, 12 pieces of oranges, 6 oz of yogurt and a little bit of whip cream were used.
Dice the pineapple slices. Add to the bottom of the container.
Mandarin Oranges
Add a layer of mandarin oranges over the pineapple.
Add a layer of yogurt over the oranges. Top with whip cream, if desired.
All Done
Now, go eat!
Added a few props, including the wood version of candy corn from last Halloween :).