Half Hitch Mat
Finished mat on left. The edges can be folded up to make bowl shape on right.
The mat is made in six stages. In the first three stages you will make half hitches without any interweaving. The last stage is shown in two parts (interweaving and making last half hitch.
The standing end is at top center. The working end is making the hitches.
I used 10' of cord foo the tutorial which was sufficient to show the layout.
Add second half hitch to right of the first.
Add third half hitch to the right.
Do first interweave and add fourth half hitch. Be careful to follows over, under sequence.
Do interweave and add fifth half hitch.
Do last interweave and............
.....make last half hitch.
The knot is complete and you are ready to begin the slow process of doubling and dressing the mat.