HackerBox 0104: Engage

Welcome to HackerBox 0104. Heed the call to engage our minds, our hands, and one another to create works of wearable electronic art and wireless shenanigans. We're working with full-color ultraviolet-cured PCB silkscreens for the very first time. Configure tool chains for the ESP32-C3 Supermini Development Board and the NodeMCU ESP8266 OLED Development Board. Assemble the Alien Robot Badge Kit, the Galactic Power Badge Kit, the Tie-Dye BitHead SAO, the Phreakin' Clowns SAO, and the All Your Base SAO. Program the Alien Robot Badge Kit with triggered modes for display and sound effect. Contemplate wireless trigger interfaces, packet monitors, and other radio-based technologies. Assemble one of six different mystery HighRollerCon Quacked-Out SAO Kits. As always, hack all the things!
HackerBox is the original monthly subscription box for electronics, computer technology, and hacker culture. Each HackerBox is a discovery box, which means all members await and enjoy a new surprise each month. Tech, toys, knowledge, and fun. It's like having a hacker convention, your birthday, and the first day of school - every month - right in your mailbox.
There is a wealth of information for current and prospective members in the HackerBoxes FAQ. Almost all of the non-technical support emails that we receive are already answered there, so we'd really appreciate it if you can take a few minutes to read the FAQ.
This Instructable contains information for getting started with HackerBox 0104. The full box contents are listed on the product page for HackerBox 0104 where the box is also available for purchase while supplies last. If you would like to automatically receive a HackerBox like this right in your mailbox each month, you can subscribe at HackerBoxes.com and join the party. Subscription members save at least $15 every month and automatically receive each new HackerBox shipped immediately off the production line.
A soldering iron, solder, and basic assembly tools are generally needed to work on the monthly HackerBox. A computer for running software tools is also required. Have a look at the HackerBox Workshops for tools and supplies along with a wide array of introductory activities and experiments.
The most import thing you will need is a sense of adventure, hacker spirit, patience, and curiosity. Building and experimenting with electronics, while very rewarding, can be tricky, challenging, and even frustrating at times. The goal is progress, not perfection. When you persist and enjoy the adventure, a great deal of satisfaction can be derived from this hobby. Take each step slowly, mind the details, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

HackerBox 0104 shipped to subscribing members on the day of summer solstice. For many of us, the onset of summer signals the time to ready for Hacker Summer Camp - a series of events held in Las Vegas every summer: DEF CON, BSides Las Vegas, and Black Hat USA.
Most years, an early summer HackerBox is, at least loosely, inspired by Hacker Summer Camp. For example, see HackerBoxes 0020, 0033, 0057, 0068, 0080, and 0093... And now HackerBox 0104.
The theme for DEF CON 32 is Engage. Engagement, in this sense, is a call to action. A call to counter the process for which Cory Doctorow has coined the term Ensh*ttification. Cory's DC31 presentation (video) on the subject is definitely worth watching.
This HackerBox invites us to engage our minds, our hands, and one another to create works of wearable electronic art and wireless shenanigans. It's a chance to experience a little taste of summer camp right here in our homes, offices, schools, or workshops.
For those planning to attend Hacker Summer Camp, this is a chance to build some sweet badgelife gear to bring along. If this includes you, please plan to swing by the DEF CON 32 Vendor Room and say hello to your HackerBox friends!
ESP32-C3 Supermini Development Board

For the Alien Robot Badge Kit, we'll be leveraging the ESP32-C3 Supermini Development Board.
First, let's power up the development board and verify the tool chain prior to doing any soldering.
When power is first applied to the board using a USB-C cable, the Red Power LED will illuminate but nothing else will happen.
Install the Arduino IDE, if necessary.
Within the IDE, use the Boards Manager to search for ESP32 (by Espressif Systems).
Select that board package and hit install.
Select: Tools > Board > ESP32 > Nologo ESP32C3 Super Mini
Open the example sketch:
File > Examples > Basics > Blink
Program the sketch to the board.
If everything is in order, the blue onboard LED (GPIO 8) will blink.
NOTE: Set aside the header pins that come with the ESP32-C3 Supermini. We will not use them for this module, but we will use them later for the DC/DC converter module.
Alien Robot Badge Kit

The "eyes" of our robot comprise two 4x4 LED module. Together, these modules give us 32 RGB LEDs to work with. Specifically, the RGB LEDs are WS2812B LEDs - an example of what are oft referred to as neopixels.
The badge also features a couple of buttons, an audio buzzer, and an SAO header. The SAO standard defines little badges that we can add on to our conference badges. It employs a simple 2x3 pin header connection and is supported by tens of thousands of badges.
Prep Leads for Both RGB LED Modules:
- Identify the 22 gauge copper wire with red insulation
- Eight inches of wire is more than enough to form sixteen 1 cm leads
- Strip 1cm of insulation from the one end of the wire
- Fig. a: Solder the stripped wire onto one pad of the 4x4 LED module
- Snip the wire off at 1 cm
- Repeat the strip-solder-snip process for all eight pads
- Fig. b: The eight 1cm leads look like a weird square cat
- Fig. c: Bend the leads at right angles towards the LEDs
- Fig. d: Form the leads into a Z-shape coplanar with the front of the LEDs
- Fig. e: Place the module onto the PCB matching up DIN and DOUT
- Solder the Z-shaped leads onto the PCB
Continue Assembling the Badge:
- Solder the two buttons (either way is fine)
- Solder the power source switch
- Solder the buzzer
- Solder the ESP32-C3 Supermini (how to solder castellated pads)
- Examine the A/B jumpers on the DC/DC boost converter module
- They are usually shorted - selecting 12V output (NOT GOOD!)
- Open both jumpers (selecting 5V) by running an iron across each jumper
- Mount the boost converter using four unused pins from the ESP32
- Optional: Remove the plastic from the pins to flush-mount the module
- Mount the battery pack - note the corner peg nearest to the ESP32
- Place the female 3x2 SAO header on the front of the PCB
- Orient the keying tap upwards (towards the lanyard hole)
Load some example code:
Use the Ardiuno IDE Library Manager to find and install FastLED by Daniel Garcia.
Download and program the HB0104_Demo.ino sketch attached here.
This is a quick, fun program that tests the 32 RGB LEDs, two buttons, and buzzer of the Alien Robot Badge. Press the buttons to demonstrate different LED and buzzer effects known as display modes.
NodeMCU ESP8266 OLED Development Board

This module integrates the ESP8266 NodeMCU and a 0.96-inch OLED screen. It provides all the functionality and features of the ESP8266 chip with a 80MHz main clock frequency, 4MB flash memory, and wireless networking stack.
Hello World:
When power is first applied to the module, a HELLO WORLD greeting will appear the OLED display.
Install the ESP8266 Board Support Package according to these instructions.
Select: Tools > Board > ESP8266 > NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
Open the example sketch:
File > Examples > Basics > Blink
Program the sketch to the board.
If everything is in order, the blue LED next to the Wi-Fi antenna will blink.
OLED Display:
Use the Ardiuno IDE Library Manager to find and install U8g2 by Oliver
Download and program the ESP8266_OLED_Hello.ino sketch attached here.
Press the FLASH button to update the status on the OLED display.
Wi-Fi Packet Monitor:
Get the sketch from this repo.
Use the Ardiuno IDE Library Manager to find and install:
ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays by ThingPulse
Change these two lines in the sketch under SETTINGS:
SSD1306 display(0x3C, 14, 12);
#define btn 0
Program the sketch to the module.
Press the FLASH button to change Wi-Fi channels.
More Wireless Shenanigans

The demo sketch that you set up above gives the Alien Robot Badge three simple display modes - one including some sound effects.
For more features, grab the HB0104_Wireless_Badge.ino sketch attached here. This one includes 20 different display modes and the ability to trigger the modes wirelessly from another badge using ESP-Now.
Hopefully you can ENGAGE with other badge-holders you encounter locally, or at DEF CON, using this interactive wireless firmware. But if your one badge doesn't have another one to communicate with, fear not, we've got you covered. Just program the HB0104_8266OLED_trigger.ino sketch (also attached here) onto the NodeMCU ESP8266 OLED Development Board to exchange ESP-Now packets with the ESP32 on the badge to trigger the various new display modes.
If you'd like to simply see the new display modes and skip the wireless shenanigans for now, simply hold down the top button on the badge while booting up the new firmware. This will cause the badge to enter an attractor mode that randomly cycles through the twenty display modes using randomly selected colors. Hit the reset button on the ESP32 to make it stop and return to wireless triggering mode.
Definitely experiment with extending the display modes, but you might want to leave the core 20 modes intact if you plan to engage with other badges in order to maintain compatibility. 0x1337 0xC0D3 0xD00D.
Galactic Power Badge Kit

The Galactic Power Badge leverages a single coin cell to illuminate several LED "stars" and to supply power to an SAO header.
NOTE 1: HackerBox 0104 contains two types of LEDs that are both "whitish". There are seven clear 3mm (smaller) LEDs that glow white and there are four frosted (not quite clear) 5mm (larger) LEDs that flash a variety of colors. They are not interchangeable. The Galactic Power Badge Kit requires the seven clear 3mm (smaller) LEDs.
NOTE 2: HackerBox 0104 contains two different values of SMD resistors. The 10 Ohm resistors are marked "100" and the 56 Ohm resistors are marked "560". They are not Interchangeable. The Galactic Power Badge Kit requires a 10 Ohm resistor.
- Solder a 10 Ohm resistor (marked with "100") into place
- Solder the power switch
- Solder the coin cell clip - note the orientation markings on the PCB
- Place seven clear 3mm LEDs
- Orient short pin toward the flat side on the PCB marking
- Place the female 3x2 SAO header on the front of the PCB
- Orient the keying tap upwards (towards the lanyard hole)
SAOs in Living Color

Peeping back at the Box Guides for HackerBox 0068 and HackerBox 0093, we can see various SAO designs from the past.
For HackerBox 0104, we're working with full-color UV-cured PCB silkscreens for the very first time. These include three fun, new SAOs:
Tie-Dye BitHead SAO
- Solder a 56 Ohm resistor (marked with "560") into place
- Place two Self-Flashing RGB (frosted 5mm) LEDs
- Note the LONG PIN / SHORT PIN markings on the PCB
- Solder a shrouded male 3x2 SAO header into place
- Orient the keying notch upwards (towards the LEDs)
Phreakin' Clowns SAO
- Solder a 56 Ohm resistor (marked with "560") into place
- Solder one RED 5mm LED into place
- Note the LONG PIN / SHORT PIN markings on the PCB
- Cut a 3x2 section of header pins from the supplied 8x2 portion
- Clip about halfway across the break-away line as shown
- Solder the 3x2 section of header pins onto the back of the PCB
- Phreak Out
All Your Base SAO
- Solder a 56 Ohm resistor (marked with "560") into place
- Place two Self-Flashing RGB (frosted 5mm) LEDs
- Note the "+ LONG PIN" marking on the PCB
- Cut a 3x2 section of header pins from the supplied 8x2 portion
- Clip about halfway across the break-away line as shown
- Solder the 3x2 section of header pins onto the back of the PCB
- Make your time
Never Forget DEF CON 31: Somebody set up us the bomb.
HighRollerCon Duck SAOs

You are hereby invited to HighRollerCon 2024.
LINQ High Roller // DEFCON 32 // 10 AUGUST 2024 // 5:00PM
The Cyber Swamplords are going to fill the entire High Roller with hackers. Again. And they are dispersing several thousand Duck SAOs to spread the word. We're helping them out!
Each HackerBox 0104 contains one HighRollerCon Duck SAO Kit. Which one? It's a roll of the dice... NOBODY KNOWS! Each HackerBox has a duck randomly selected from six different designs. Collect them all, trade them, mod them, go completely quackers.
The parts for each duck kit are packed together in a bag including the duck PCB. Do not mix these parts up with other parts used in the HackerBox.
Black, Blue, Red, White, and Green Ducks:
- The 1K resistor can go in either direction
- Two 3mm Red LEDs form the eyes
- Note the long pin / short pin indicators on the PCB
- The 5mm frosted, flashing RGB LED backlights the speech bubble
- Note the long pin / short pin indicator on the PCB
- Solder near the end of leads to allow bending
- Bend the LED into the void in the rear soldermask
- Orient the notch in the SAO header upward (toward the eyes)
Full-Color "Tripout" Duck:
- Two 5mm frosted, flashing RGB LEDs form the eyes
- The Long Pins go into the "+ HOLE" for each LED
- Orient the notch in the SAO header upward (toward the eyes)
As described on the backside of the full-color "Tripout" ducks, they are medium-rare. When procuring materials for the six different Duck SAO Kits, we intentionally sourced significantly fewer for the special edition "Tripout" Duck SAO Kits. They are not exactly "rare" but they are definitely "medium-rare". We are holding a small pile of the "Tripout" duck kits for distribution at DEF CON 32... Vendor Room Early... Vendor Room Often!
The Hacker Mindset

Joe, founder of HackerBoxes, is seen here in the DEF CON Vendor Room sharing haircare tips with Garrett Gee, founder of Hacker Warehouse. Yes, that's the site with the Flipper Zeros and many other cool hacker toys!
Garrett recently released a new book, The Hacker Mindset: A 5-Step Methodology for Cracking the System and Achieving Your Dreams. "For anyone seeking to ascend the corporate ladder, leave their job to start their own business, or obtain greater freedom in their life, The Hacker Mindset is an essential guide to hacking established systems in any sphere and unlocking one’s fullest potential."
Hack All the Things
![Dual Core - All The Things [Official]](/proxy/?url=https://content.instructables.com/FF0/AP7H/LXRK6QPH/FF0AP7HLXRK6QPH.jpg&filename=Dual Core - All The Things [Official])
We hope you are enjoying this month's HackerBox adventure into electronics, computer technology, and hacker culture. Reach out and share your success in the comments below or on other social media. Email support@hackerboxes.com anytime with questions or whenever you need some help.
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Please consider sharing this free Instructable with others who may be interested in learning about these subjects. We really appreciate your support and "word of mouth advertising" is the greatest compliment that we can receive.