HabitSpark 7

When you want to build a habit or achieve a goal, you can use this box I designed to help! Our box has 7 switches, and each day you complete a task, you can flip one switch. After successfully completing tasks for 7 consecutive days, the box will release colorful confetti to celebrate! It encourages you to cultivate your habits in 7-day cycles.
Required Materials for the 7-Day Habit Box:
- 7 x 5mm LED Lights
- 7 x ON-OFF Toggle Switches
- 1 x 5V Electromagnet
- 1 x Balloon
- 1 x Arduino UNO Board
- Electrical Wires
- 1 x iron piece
3D Printing All Required Parts

3D Printing All Required Parts
Connect the Electronic Components on the Uno Board As Shown.

Replace the servo motor in the diagram with an electromagnet. The electromagnet has two wires: connect one wire to the ground line and the other to pin 4.
int celebrationState = false;
int previousCelebrationState = false;
void setup()
pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // 控制EG的引脚
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // 默认保持EG通电
void loop()
bool sunday = digitalRead(12);
bool monday = digitalRead(11);
bool tuesday = digitalRead(10);
bool wednesday = digitalRead(8);
bool thursday = digitalRead(7);
bool friday = digitalRead(6);
bool saturday = digitalRead(5);
// 检查所有灯是否亮了(所有输入为LOW)
if (sunday == LOW && monday == LOW && tuesday == LOW && wednesday == LOW && thursday == LOW && friday == LOW && saturday == LOW) {
celebrationState = true;
if (celebrationState == true && previousCelebrationState == false) {
// 切断EG电源
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
} else {
celebrationState = false;
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
previousCelebrationState = celebrationState;
After Confirming That There Is No Problem With the Originals, Weld All the Originals

Install the Balloon, Iron Piece, Switches, Wires, and Electromagnet in Their Respective Positions.