How to Make Almond Cheese- Vegan

by sokamon in Cooking > Vegetarian & Vegan

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How to Make Almond Cheese- Vegan

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This cheese is an excellent choice for vegan, people who are lactose intolerant, or just all people who like to try different types of cheeses. this vegan cheese has everything you need to accompany your meals

It is healthy since its main ingredient is almond trees, these are rich in proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, it provides energy to the body.


1 blender or food processor

1 pot

1 spatula

1 table knife 1 a spoon

2 containers

1 pitcher

1 cloth strainer


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1 cup of raw almonds

3 cups of water

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

1 tablespoon agar agar powder (unflavored gelatin substitute)

1 teaspoon salt or to taste

1 teaspoon garlic powder

a pinch of oregano powder

coconut oil

Soak the Almonds for 8 Hours

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soak the almonds for 8 hours or overnight, this process activates all the properties of the almonds, they will become soft and thus it will be easier to remove the shell, this step of peeling them is optional since it can also be done with the shell, in This cheese I hair since I want a whiter cheese.

Peel the Almonds

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When 8 hours have passed, we will see that the water will be brown, with the help of a strainer, we will remove the water and leave the almonds.

we wash them with clean water

start to peel the almonds, we don't need the shells

in this cheese I remove the skin since I want a whiter cheese.

Blend the Almonds

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When the almonds are completely peeled, we will put them in the blender or kitchen mixer, pour the 3 cups of natural water, blend until the almonds are completely crushed

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After liquefying the almonds and they are completely liquefied, we will pass the mixture through a cloth strainer or a mesh, to separate the almond pulp from the milk, thus we will obtain an easy, delicious and nutritious almond milk that contains more calcium than the cow. milk and is low in cholesterol
This is a plant milk, it is an excellent alternative for vegans and ideal for those with lactose intolerance.

We Will Obtain the Okara or Almond Pulp

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okara or almond pulp will be the most important ingredient for making the cheese
Okara is a word of Japanese origin and refers to the pulp that comes out after making milk, it is a fiber that provides many nutrients, it does not contain gluten so it is ideal for diabetics

Add the Ingredients

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Add the almond okara or almond pulp to the blender.

add 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast, this will be the one that gives the characteristic flavor to the cheese

1 tablespoon of agar agar, agar-agar is a natural thickener that is obtained from the cell walls of certain algae is an alternative to traditional gelatin that needs heat to activate

1 teaspoon salt or to taste

2 tablespoons of coconut oil

1 ½ or 2 cups of almond milk little by little so that the mixture is not liquid

the following ingredients are optional since they will only flavor our cheese

1 tablespoon garlic powder

1 pinch of oregano

powder the juice of 1 to 2 lemons

Over Low Heat Put the Mixture to Activate the Agar Agar

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We pour the mixture into a pot and put it on a low heat for 5 to 10 minutes without stopping stirring until the mixture thickens a little, this is done since the agar agar needs heat to activate

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grease a container of our choice with coconut oil, this will help the cheese to unmold more easily

Decorate and Put in the Fridge

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I wanted to garnish this cheese with a bit of oregano to make it look more eye-catching with a little color.

When the container is ready, in this case use a glass, add the okara or almond pulp with all the ingredients already mixed

We will put it in the refrigerator for approximately 3 hours.


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And voila we will have a delicious and nutritious almond cheese to cut and accompany our recipes, this is an excellent alternative for cheese lovers who want an option that does NOT come from animals.

Make a Cute Vegan Cheese Board

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I wanted to give you an option of how we can accompany our almond cheese
this is a kind of cheese board with fruits, almonds and some toast with oregano. to enjoy with our family or friends

ingredients table

  • almond cheese
  • oregano toast
  • gooseberries
  • g
  • grapes
  • strawberries
  • olives
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Almonds

Creatively Decorate Your Cheese Board

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on a board place a whole almond cheese with the characteristic cut
with the other almond cheese that came out. Take some toast with oregano and place a piece of cheese on top. We decorate on the pieces of cheese with cape gooseberries, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, olives or whatever we like the most. Accompany with grapes, cape gooseberries, cherry tomatoes and almonds this delicious vegan cheese board