by Simran Khuntia in Workshop > 3D Printing

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To make any wonderful 3D model, you ought to, specifically, pick a 3D modeling software to use in your endeavours. In the wake of deciding the right 3D modeling software, you would then begin learning its devices and different components. In this tutorial article, we're demonstrating the way that you can design a loudspeaker in SelfCAD. We picked SelfCAD as it's more straightforward to learn, and you don't have to have an understanding of 3D modeling to make the decision to utilise it.

Is it right that you are enthused about learning 3D designing? Dread not. SelfCAD is here to moderate your interests. In this way, we should begin with a basic article, for example, a loudspeaker!

You can also visit our website for more such tutorial articles such as how to design an hourglass.

So, let's get started!!!

Insert a Cone on the Working Interface

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First of all, we will go to 3D shapes and insert a cone on the working interface. Set radius to 80, height to 120, vertical segments to 10 and rotation Z to 90. Then we will choose the mesh+wireframe option.

Delete the Circular Face and Select the Corner Most Vertex

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Next, we will opt for face selection and select the circular face of the cone to delete it. Then opt for vertex selection and select the corner most vertex.

Add Thickness to the Object

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Now, use the move tool and set the x to -50. Then go to modify and select the add thickness tool. We will set the thickness to 3.

Extrude the Smallest Face

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Next, select the smallest face of the object and select the extrusion tool under modify. Then we will set the amount to 10.

Extrude the Innermost Face

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Now, choose the extrusion tool again and select the vertex normals option. Then select the innermost face of the cone and extrude it to an amount of 40. After that, repeat the same step again.

Extrude the Individuals

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Next, extrude one of the faces from the circular edges with choosing the individuals. Then select the bottom face of the recently edited surface and extrude it to an amount of 70 from both the sides.

Add Thickness and Smoothness to the Model

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Now, we will go to modify and opt for the add thickness tool and set the thickness to 3. Then we will select the round object tool and set the smoothness to 3.

Conclusion: Therefore, We Created a 3D Loudspeaker in SelfCAD

We have at last made one of the norm, essential and magnificent loudspeaker designs. We have used 3D Shapes  and tools that helped us with planning various bits of the loudspeaker. With the help of the round objects and add thickness tools, we have changed the shape as need might have arisen. You can make different plans of such great relics utilising SelfCAD.