Hello this is our very own high altitude ballon at Blackville High School
Starfoam container, camaras, batterys, a helium ballon, parachute of some sort, some kinda tracking device
Taking on this project was very easy for me. It involved the outdoors, a chance to work with different things in the makerspace and a-lot of fun. I was intrigued from the first time Mr.Hallihan said anything about it!
For those to things you will need, a medium size light weight starafoam cooler, you will need the big helium ballon, you will need camaras, rope and technology! It will take time to put together but when it’s together it will work!
How To
The HAB is a very easy thing. You can do it in a few days if u had the time. You will need knifes batterys camaras ans loads more. It takes time and tinkering but it will come!