H4E1 - Proximety Belt for People With Vision Disabilitys.

by briek verbeke in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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H4E1 - Proximety Belt for People With Vision Disabilitys.

The proximety belt

This design is made for Dieter. Dieter has problems with his sight because of his tunnelvision and night blindness, but he would still like to go to a restaurant or pub. We made a belt that helps people with vision disabilities. They can navigate with the belt because it vibrates when the user gets to close to an object like a wall, table or some people. This trough proximity sensors attached to the belt.

video of prototype: https://youtu.be/tUuOvHeLq5g

#Howest #H4E1 #D4E1


  • Micro controller
  • Belt or strap
  • Proximity sensor
  • Battery

Code Receiver

code receiver.PNG

We used radio signal to imitate a proximity sensor and we used light and sound to help illlustrate the vibration motors. These motors get triggered when you get to close to walls, objects or people.

Code receiver:

radio.onReceivedValue(function (name, value) {

    radio2 = value


let radio2 = 0


let signiaal_sterkte = 0

basic.forever(function () {

    if (radio2 == 8008) {

        if (radio.receivedPacket(RadioPacketProperty.SignalStrength) >= -55) {

            if (radio.receivedPacket(RadioPacketProperty.SignalStrength) >= -51) {



                    # . # . #

                    . # . # .

                    # . # . #

                    . # . # .

                    # . # . #



            if (radio.receivedPacket(RadioPacketProperty.SignalStrength) < -51) {



                    # . . . #

                    . # . # .

                    . . # . .

                    . # . # .

                    # . . . #




        if (radio.receivedPacket(RadioPacketProperty.SignalStrength) < -55) {


                . . . . .

                . . . . .

                # . # . #

                . . . . .

                . . . . .






Code Transmitter

code zender.PNG

Code transmitter:



basic.forever(function () {

    radio.sendValue("radio", 8008)


        . # . . .

        . . . . .

        . . # . .

        . . . . .

        . # . . .



Things We Would Like to Change

  • We would like too give Dieter his friends microchips; that way we could give Dieter certain vibrations so he knows a friend is approaching him. That way he can easily seperate his friends from the other people in the bar/restaurant.
  • We want that Dieter can adjust the strength of the vibrations and the proximity of the sensors. That way when he passes through a big crowd the sensors won't go wild.
  • Adding more sensors in the beld, that way he can have a more precise sense of where people are.