H4E1 - All Knowing Alzheimer Amulet
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H4E1 - All Knowing Alzheimer Amulet
Els has Alzheimer. She has trouble with time and also has poor depth perception. Our necklace is designed to help Els and other people with te time.
When the necklace is opened, the time is read out loud. The necklace vibrates at meal times and appointments, so she knows when to check the screen. The alarm wil go off a little bit before she needs to leave. At home the necklace connects with boxes, tv and alarm clock. The notifications now come on the tv when its on. If the tv is off this goes through the speakers.
The calender can be filled in by the caregiver or someone else. There is a code on the back of the necklace. This code must be entered on the website so the agenda can be filled in.
If Els reaches a further stage of Dementia, the chain can be updated to an even simpler interface. This is also done via the website.
Micro bit, modeling foam, paper, tin solder, thread
Brainstorm about the subject
Write the code for the Micro bit. Making the amulet show the hour vibrate and tell the time.
Attach the vibrator and screen to the mirco bit.
Model the necklace out of foam. And attach the tin as hinge. Add the thread.